Infomation on some historic markers


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

I am sorry I have not posted much lately, but I have been involved with a project and have had little time for anything else. I will get back to you on the outcome of my project at a later date. In the mean time here is something you may find interesting.

In 1995 the Federal Government decided to transfer some property that was part of Fort Dix on the very northern tip of Lebanon State Forest, over to control of the state to add to Lebanon property. The supervisor of Lebanon State Forest Christian Bethman, was walking around on I assume what had just become their property, or was soon to be their property, when he discovered an historic marker. The marker was the boundary marker of the Hanover Furnace and Farm, and had "Hanover 1824" clearly written on it. Hanover Furnace made cannon balls during the Revolutionary War, and they were transported from the furnace along Gun Road to the Mount Holly Freehold Road. I have acquired a survey map of the property that was deeded over to the state, and on it shows the location of all of the military boundary markers and the location of the Hanover Stone. I was also able to acquire the exact GPS coordinates of this historic stone.

So this morning Jessica and I headed out to located and photograph it, since the copied photo I acquired was so poor I could not even guess what it looked like. Upon arrival I found the US military marker that was shown on the map just a few feet off the road. But what I found next was something I I had never expected, but maybe should have. Here is the military marker and what I was surprised to find.



Yes, the second photo shows that the 1824 marker is no longer there. Either is was taken by vandals, or the state has retrieved it to protect it from those who have no respect for history. There is a shovel mark on the right side of it where it was removed. I am in the process of trying to find out if the state has taken control of it, or they did not know of it's possible demise. I will keep you informed.

The possible good news is that there is another one which I have GPS coordinates for, and I will be heading out to check on that one also. It is nowhere near the first one which shows how massive the property they owned was. If this one is missing, it is reasonable to believe the state has removed them.

This second marker was placed there on June 2, 1856 with 13 people present at the event. Some of the names were the surveyor, employees of the surveyor, neighbors, and others. Each one of their names were listed on an 1856 survey map which I have a very poor copy of. The marker was found in 1995 by a volunteer and two employees of a state forest. I will also keep you informed on what I find in the future when I visit the marker. It appears to be a large stone and not a buried markers such as the one above was, so it may still be there.



That is fascinating! Keep us abreast in your quest!


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I sure have. I have been working 50 hour weeks at work, starting at 5AM and annoyed that I could not get out to the pines to work on the project I am working on. I have been staying up later than usual on the computer, and then not being able to sleep because of constantly thinking about what I am working on. Sleep...what is that!

It looks like work may slow down next week, and if it does I may take a few days off the following week to head out during the week to catch up on what I am doing. My daughter has Thursdays off from Collage so I might take that off. Today was a complete bust, and hopefully my luck will improve. If it doesn't I may be asking for help. We shall see.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

I have spoken on the phone today with the Supervisor of Brendan Byrne State Forest, and he checked on my claim of the missing marker and has concurred with me. Someone has stolen it. He is going to place a police report in the event that it somehow turns up.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I haven't had time to go there. I am busy this weekend unless I can take a few hours to drive there and look for it. I may take a day off from work next week, but I will be going out with my brother and Jessica towards the shore if I do. So more than likely it will be two weeks before I can check on it.



TeeGate said:

I have spoken on the phone today with the Supervisor of Brendan Byrne State Forest, and he checked on my claim of the missing marker and has concurred with me. Someone has stolen it. He is going to place a police report in the event that it somehow turns up.


In someone's private collection no doubt...