Jersey fertilizer regulations Start


Jan 22, 2007
Southern NJ
What the law means for homeowners
Fertilizers sold legally in New Jersey must meet certain criteria, with phosphorous banned from general turf blends and at least 20 percent of the nitrogen required to be ‘slow-releasing.’ Fertilizer containing phosphorus can be sold only if the material is not used on turf or is for re-establishing turf. Bags sold in New Jersey also will have new labeling requirements that tell users how to apply the material and to use lesser amounts. It will be illegal to apply fertilizer prior to or during a heavy rain, to apply fertilizer during the winter months, to leave fertilizer on pavement and other hard surfaces or to apply excessive amounts of fertilizer. Municipalities can fine violators. Homeowners can use phosphorus-containing fertilizer on their lawns if they have had a soil test within the past three years that shows a deficiency or if they are establishing new grass.