Looking for a Thread

Jul 12, 2006
Gloucester City, NJ
I know there's at least one message thread on the board that talks about this place/building, but I can not find it. I remember reading about it over the summer, however I've forgotten it's history. I happened to stumble across this place today, by accident, and wanted to learn about it. Can someone point me to the existing thread?



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
The gun club has been there at least since 1955 and most likely slightly before that. It is on the property line of Friendship Bogs which was owned by Evans and Wills, of the Joseph Wills grave family. Actually the property is inside the Evans And Wills property and so that would mean it was partitioned off for them sometime around the dates I mentioned. The place was destroyed by fire in the early 60’s along with at least two other gun clubs the same night. I believe it was the July 4th weekend but my memory may be wrong on that. It was a holiday weekend. I can get the exact date if needed but it may take some time. One of those clubs also destroyed that night is the Eagle Point gun club on Eagle road. The person who torched them killed himself by driving into one of the bridges on route 70. The club is still in operation.




Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I just found out the date the Pioneer and other clubs burned down was the Fourth of July weekend 1964. One of the clubs later learned second hand that the person who was "suspected" of doing it was killed when he ran into the bridge on 70 by the Indian Chief restaurant in Medford. I do not know the date that occurred, but I am sure it must be in the Courier Post archives. That would be tough to find though without a more exact date.
