Love in a storefront window


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Each weekend for the past month Jessica has been telling me she sees a goose pecking at the window of a store right at the exit of 295 and Route 70. She keeps saying the goose is attracted to their own reflection in the window and are in love and confused. So today on the way by I was able for a fraction of a second to see the event as I merged into traffic and went by. How frustrating that must be to see a possible mate coming towards you as you head towards them, and never get any satisfaction from it. Next weekend on our way by I will make sure I stop and videotape it.



Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
Each weekend for the past month Jessica has been telling me she sees a goose pecking at the window of a store right at the exit of 295 and Route 70. She keeps saying the goose is attracted to their own reflection in the window and are in love and confused. So today on the way by I was able for a fraction of a second to see the event as I merged into traffic and went by. How frustrating that must be to see a possible mate coming towards you as you head towards them, and never get any satisfaction from it. Next weekend on our way by I will make sure I stop and videotape it.


I'm pretty sure that goose is cooked. They mated a month or so ago, this one is probably being defensive. We had a Robin do similar things on our cabin sliding door, came back 4 springs in a row during nesting season, till I finally took pity on it and covered the glass. Plus it was making a mess of the decking. :D



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Again this morning the goose was in front of the very same window, so we parked where it could not see me and I did my best to sneak up at a distance.



Soon after it spotted me and was not happy.


When it started making noise another one close by joined in and the one near me flew to the other one and I quickly left. So it appears it has a mate but it still is a mystery why it looks in the window each week.
