Make your own Garmin maps in Google Earth - Wow


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Garmin has just released a new beta version of the system software for their Colorado, Oregon and Dakota GPS'es with an important new feature - full support for user-created raster imagery!

using paper maps with Garmin outdoor handhelds is easier than ever with Garmin Custom Maps. This unique feature allows users to combine Garmin map drawing technology with georeferenced map images, effectively putting a paper map inside your Garmin GPS. Creating a Garmin Custom Map for your Colorado, Oregon, or Dakota device is easy with the following steps

The instructions at the above link describe the use of Google Earth with your own images which are uploaded to the GPS. But in fact, any software which produces .kmz files is capable of making this kind of map. I used data I already had with Globalmapper to create the following examples. It literally only took a few mouse clicks and a couple minutes to generate the files and transfer them to my Oregon 400t.



It's a bit of a mixed blessing - still beta software. It works as advertised, but map zooming and scrolling was slow and I ran into a few bugs. You are also somewhat limited as to how large a map you can make if you want full quality. Nevertheless, Garmin deserves praise for this. I don't think any other brands offer such a simple way to make your own raster based maps. And since it uses Google Earth, it works the same on both Macs and PC's and you don't have to buy any special software. I'm really looking forward to the final release of this software - hopefully they will address the speed and bugs. Thanks for this gift Garmin!

I have been ruffling some feathers over the past couple years trying to steer people towards the Oregon as opposed to the 60csx. I think these new Custom maps really change everything - take a serious look at the Oregon and Dakota series if you're in the market. This is something you're going to want. :)