Mega-Stores coming to Medford Crossings


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Sorry, the dysfunctional Central Record website doesn't have the article (or any articles for that matter) online, but there's an article in the Sept 28 edition which says construction will begin this fall on the shopping center at Eayrestown Rd and Rt 70 in Medford. It says that all the approvals are now in place.

Officials for Freedman Cohen last week announced that the following tenants are signed on at the developments, which are located on both sides of Route 70 near Eayrestown Road: Starbucks, Best Buy, Home Depot, Target, Ross, Petco, Sleepy's, the Hair CUttery, Staples, Cingular Wireless and restaurants Applebee, Chick-fil-A, Cosi, Vincenzo's and the upscale steakhouse Herman's Prime.

The shopping centers and the new homes are scheduled to be completed by Spring 2008. Well... there goes the neighborhood. I can just picture the traffic jams on Rt 70 and all the little roads which cross it. And of course this should serve as a magnet for further development of that area. I'm glad I moved away in time to miss all this "progress".


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
That sucks. I used to live in Medford. I work there everyday and the traffic is getting progressively worse every year. The farmland buffer between the developed areas and the barrens is on it's last legs, almost gone.



Jan 11, 2006
Route 58 in Riverhead used to be undeveloped not even 10 years ago, the only stores were a few shopping centers around the circle north of downtown.
Now they have Tanger Outlets, Best Buy, Home Depot, and lots of other junk. And the result is this. Coming to a town near you...


Mar 9, 2005
Haddonfield, NJ
Hey, I moved too! Just settling down in Braintree, Massachusetts (yes I know, it's a funny name). I'm going up to New Hampshire this weekend to do some exploring, good time to do so I imagine with the foilage. I have never been to New England, well besides this area, so I'm looking forward to it. I miss the Pines though.


Feb 19, 2004
White Haven, PA
Hey, I moved too! Just settling down in Braintree, Massachusetts (yes I know, it's a funny name). I'm going up to New Hampshire this weekend to do some exploring, good time to do so I imagine with the foilage. I have never been to New England, well besides this area, so I'm looking forward to it. I miss the Pines though.

Weather permitting, I'm going on my annual New England trip this weekend. Have a pretty interesting itinerary this year.


Jun 27, 2004
Welcome to corruption, and suburban sprawl, i dont get why this is an issue. People who understand sprawl, and corruption, obviously understand the creation, and damage from this (and i dont mean some plant growing in a ditch there). Seriously, who cares, a 350 store mall will be built on Hampton furnace or whatever, noone cares about stopping these things unless it impacts them personally, if it doesnt they support impacting of other places, welcome to the free for all without responsibility.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I noticed today that on route 70 in Evesham not far from the Medford border the construction equipment has arrived for the building of the massive new shopping centers. There have been signs there for a while saying the property was sold and the stores were coming, and now they are.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
These are different ones right near the Medford border with Evesham. Route 70 on both sides of Medford will be having new shopping centers.



Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Oh, how nice, I haven't been out that way for awhile. But the part of Rt 70 to the West of Medford was already a lost cause I think. Are you talking about the intersection of Hartford and Rt 70 where they built the new drugstore? That is supposed to expand into a larger center with a grocery store IIRC. At one time they were going to put a Home Depot there, but it was shot down. I hope widening Rt 70 is part of the plan, because that 2 lane road is going to become a nightmare once all of these new shopping centers and developments are finished.


Jun 27, 2004
Oh, how nice, I haven't been out that way for awhile. But the part of Rt 70 to the West of Medford was already a lost cause I think. Are you talking about the intersection of Hartford and Rt 70 where they built the new drugstore? That is supposed to expand into a larger center with a grocery store IIRC. At one time they were going to put a Home Depot there, but it was shot down. I hope widening Rt 70 is part of the plan, because that 2 lane road is going to become a nightmare once all of these new shopping centers and developments are finished.

i enjoy your ignorance of reality, why dont you spend some time about sprawl. Sprawl is simple and clear on the issues that cause it, one issue is turning roads into highways. Its clear, and proven in fact across this nation about expansion of roads with increase in sprawl building. If route 70 was legally held as a two lane road, it would diminish building by causing selling issues to buyers. Its simple, do you want the Red Lion Diner to be sold for 2 milion, and continue to be a diner, or sold for 15 million plus millions also millions for the properties around it to be a shopping center intersection? Sounds good huh, then the land around it will go up in value to amounts where it will become houses/apartments/commercial buildings. Stopping sprawl is not about ruining land prices to people, people will still get high value, its about stopping what comes along with it. If sprawl is allowed, NJ can in all rational thought on historical evidence turn into one giant highway system, which destroys nature, and raises costs (taxes) beyond the costs from taxes currently(understand sprawl and its costs, taxes to maintain now could be ridiculously lowered if sprawl didint happen). This is why sprawl is not "municipalities creating tax friendly building", it costs more, its just a simple 1-2 budget surplus, it creates a chase to expand, and expand so taxes are not raised in those persons elected office time, after that, its BOOM, welcome to 100% increase in 1 year. This is important with Route 206, either Route 206 will be some restricted but allowed building which will turn it into Route 130 in 30 years, or it can be totally preserved which will preserve townships, and pinelands around it. Choices to be made with voting and arguments, its about understanding the issue, not about "wow they preserved 30 acres on the border of Shamong and the forest". You make the choice, and hope people understand 20 minute backup in summer because of shore traffic means more then destroying our natural areas, but hey, its about money, the more my house is worth is more important then anything else, hey i can always stick it out and retire in North Carolina. Understand sprawl before you want 15 lane roads in Medford, stopping sprawl will increase home and property values, proven, look at other nations, your $100k 1 bedroom home in other nations would be worth 400k+, stopping sprawl benefits in tax costs to the people, lifestyle stability, and a rise in property value. So get some clues, plenty of books with facts, your rational understanding, and your own time, its the same conclusion.
i enjoy your ignorance of reality, why dont you spend some time about sprawl. Sprawl is simple and clear on the issues that cause it, one issue is turning roads into highways. Its clear, and proven in fact across this nation about expansion of roads with increase in sprawl building. If route 70 was legally held as a two lane road, it would diminish building by causing selling issues to buyers. Its simple, do you want the Red Lion Diner to be sold for 2 milion, and continue to be a diner, or sold for 15 million plus millions also millions for the properties around it to be a shopping center intersection? Sounds good huh, then the land around it will go up in value to amounts where it will become houses/apartments/commercial buildings. Stopping sprawl is not about ruining land prices to people, people will still get high value, its about stopping what comes along with it. If sprawl is allowed, NJ can in all rational thought on historical evidence turn into one giant highway system, which destroys nature, and raises costs (taxes) beyond the costs from taxes currently(understand sprawl and its costs, taxes to maintain now could be ridiculously lowered if sprawl didint happen). This is why sprawl is not "municipalities creating tax friendly building", it costs more, its just a simple 1-2 budget surplus, it creates a chase to expand, and expand so taxes are not raised in those persons elected office time, after that, its BOOM, welcome to 100% increase in 1 year. This is important with Route 206, either Route 206 will be some restricted but allowed building which will turn it into Route 130 in 30 years, or it can be totally preserved which will preserve townships, and pinelands around it. Choices to be made with voting and arguments, its about understanding the issue, not about "wow they preserved 30 acres on the border of Shamong and the forest". You make the choice, and hope people understand 20 minute backup in summer because of shore traffic means more then destroying our natural areas, but hey, its about money, the more my house is worth is more important then anything else, hey i can always stick it out and retire in North Carolina. Understand sprawl before you want 15 lane roads in Medford, stopping sprawl will increase home and property values, proven, look at other nations, your $100k 1 bedroom home in other nations would be worth 400k+, stopping sprawl benefits in tax costs to the people, lifestyle stability, and a rise in property value. So get some clues, plenty of books with facts, your rational understanding, and your own time, its the same conclusion.

I think you need to re-read Boyd's post if you think he is for sprawl.



New Member
Sep 14, 2007
OK, the Cow's Point plan saved green space and prevented from what I understand 500 town homes from going in there. That was a great win. But this construction I imagine would mean even worse traffic for the residents in Medford.

Here's what I experienced while living in the glorious urban sprawl of Atlanta, GA. Communities are situated all around the perimeter of the city of Atlanta along the exits of I75, I85, 400, and I285. Every exit has a shopping center just like this...actually they have two. For every Home Depot you let in, a Lowe's will follow. For every BJs, a Costco will follow. Now you have more options as a consumer, great right?

No, because in 5-10 years one of those merchants is going to run the other one out. Now you have a 100,000 sq ft commercial space that is vacant. And do you know what the survivor will do? They will lease or buy that space and KEEP it vacant. One of the saddest things for any Mom and Pop merchants that go into those retail centers where the loser of the super mega warehouse store battle is located suddenly has no foot traffic. And more vacant commercial space will be made.

Please stop this, the burbs of Atlanta was clean nice place to live with a great cost of living. But quickly throughout the 90s suddenly became a horrible city to drive, live, and work within. Don't do this to Medford, please.