Non-native Tree near South Toms River


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
This is an odd tree. That is resin on the back of the leaves. I know what it is, I cheated. Anybody ever see it before?

IMG_2088 (002).JPG


Mar 24, 2017
Haddon Township
Yes, now you have it.
What made you determine to be that? No; I don't know if I seen one, but I've been in its prime range in northern Minnesota a good number of times. In September, I'm going to be in the area of Apostle Islands along the south shore of Lake Superior in Winconsin. But I'm not spending all my time looking for trees.
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Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
What made you determine to be that? No; I don't know if I seen one, but I've been in its prime range in northern Minnesota a good number of times. In September, I'm going to be in the area of Apostle Islands along the south shore of Lake Superior in Winconsin. But I'm not spending all my time looking for trees.
I consulted a lot of manuals, but in the end I googled the image, and using that suggestion, I read the descriptions in the manuals to be sure.

David Snyder generally agrees with the ID. He said:

"only 3 NJ records for it and all are along upper Delaware R in Sussex and Warren cos; species is northern in distribution. Discovered in NJ by Britton in 1884; I found a pop. more than 100 hundred years later not too far S of his location growing on a high (80 ft), nearly vertical embankment of the river."