Not REALLY Raptors...

Thanks to Google, I now know the graceful wind sailors I've been calling "turkey buzzards" are really Turkey Vultures ; and, despite some persistent earlier mis-classification, aren't Raptors either ---but members of the Stork family. (Imagine what kind of baby THEY would deliver !)

I mention all this because I've just had my morning visit from "Vinnie the Vile", who soars low over my house, hovers over the back yard, and peers into the picture window.

"Are you done yet ? , he wonders.

"Not quite", I respond crisply.

This morning he said: " Well, I'm Vinnie the Vile Vulture; and, when you're ready, I'll be your Server."

With that, he soared into the next yard. It was sort of like watching a flat stone skip on water.

He circled around again. " What ??"

"What does "serving me" entail ? ", I inquired.

Vinnie bobbed his (rather ugly) red head up and down. " Gotcha. Technically, I would be apportioning you, to make sure everyone gets a fair share. I've got dibs on your liver, of course..."

"Whoa !!! TMI !! Way too much information !! Besides, I'm planning on cremation."

"Ugh !!", croaked Vinnie. " I can't abide "extra crispy" !!" ---and, with that he flapped away frantically.

(How about it folks: How was YOUR morning ???)


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
The Buzzard Song, from Porgy and Bess by George Gershwin and Du Bose Hayward

Boss, dat bird mean trouble. Once de buzzard fold his wing an' light over yo' house, all yo' happiness done dead.

Buzzard keep on flyin' over, take along yo' shadow.
Ain' nobody dead dis mornin'
Livin's jus' begun.
Two is strong where one is feeble;
man an' woman livin', workin',
Sharin' grief an' sharin' laughter,
An' love like Augus' sun.

Trouble, is dat you over yonder
lookin' lean an' hungry?
Don' you let dat buzzard keep you
hangin' round my do'.
Ain' you heard de news this mornin'?
Step out, brudder, hit de gravel;
Porgy who you used to feed on,
Don' live here no mo'

Ha, ha, ha, ha! Buzzard, on yo' way!

Ole age, what is you anyhow,
nuttin' but bein' lonely.
Pack yo' things an' fly from here,
Carry grief an' pain.
Dere's two folks livin' in dis shelter
Eatin', sleepin', singin', prayin'.
Ain' no such thing as loneliness.
An' Porgy's young again.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
Thanks to Google, I now know the graceful wind sailors I've been calling "turkey buzzards" are really Turkey Vultures ; and, despite some persistent earlier mis-classification, aren't Raptors either ---but members of the Stork family. (Imagine what kind of baby THEY would deliver !)

I mention all this because I've just had my morning visit from "Vinnie the Vile", who soars low over my house, hovers over the back yard, and peers into the picture window.

(How about it folks: How was YOUR morning ???)

A timely post for sure. You can visit with many of Vinnies relatives next weekend, very close to you.


And since you asked, it was an interesting morn, blizzard conditions for a while, then the sun returned. Just a gentle reminder it ain't over till it's over. :D


Jan 22, 2007
Southern NJ
Where are the vultures?
The 2012 Vulture Festival, complete with the Roadkill Café, Vulture Games and of course, Buzzy, their 6 ft. mascot were on hand, but the guests of honor were missing. According to one of the vulture guides, only two vultures came to hang out on the water tower for the festival. They are expecting more vultures to arrive at dusk. Rumor has it that the vultures relocated and moved to Mantua. According to a hostess at the Barnsboro Inn on Main Street in Sewell, New Jersey, a few vultures have been sighted in the area.
Some festival attendees joked that the property taxes in Wenonah got too high forcing the vultures to move while others thought the vultures found a better choice of food somewhere else.