PBX Trip: Warren Grove Wildfire


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
This coming Saturday (the 29th), the Pine Barrens Exploring Club (PBX) will be taking a very unusual exploring trip. We will be crossing the entire area that burned last Spring. We are traveling from a point South on route 539, and heading Northeast all the way to route 72.

It occured to me that there may be one or two people on Ben's forum that may find this a very interesting trek, so I am opening this one up to any of you on the board who may be interested in joining us for this one.

It is a rugged trip, and you will definitely look a little darker after this one. We don't use trails, we bull our way through, so you'd have to dress accordingly and not care so much about your clothing. Most of us will be wearing knee-high rubber boots. They are good protection for many reasons (but, hey, if you like your sneakers black as night, go for it). Water and a hat will also be important on this trip, not many leaves out there to provide shade after that kind of a fire.

We will be meeting at Lucilles in Warren Grove at 8:45 AM Saturday. We never give an ending time, too much of a hassle. The ending time on this trip is however long it takes us to go 4.5 miles through the woods and swamps. Probably done by 3 or 4.

If you leave in the middle of the trip, you are on your own after that. Also, its hunting season, the risk you take is your own.

If you are healthy, 18 or over, and seriously interested, send a PM to Guy (Teegate), and he'll give you the particulars.

I doubt it will happen, but I don't want to push the number past 12 people, so please don't contact Guy unless you really are interested. The logistics are pure hell when handling a lot of people. I don't want to do it, its why we stay small. If for some strange, surprising reason we get a high number of interested contacts, we may have to thin it some.

If we don't hear from anyone by early tomorrow evening, we'll drop it. It would be a hassle to answer a bunch of questions on Friday nite while trying to prepare.



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
No problem everyone.

We'll ask again some other time when it seems a good time to throw out the invite to all comers.

Photo's at 11 tomorrow.............

PS: can you send your sister Lucille instead?