Any interest to meet and plan a formal campaign to take care of a section of the pines?
Pine Barrens Caretakers
Each person will take a section that they favor. We will document the area in photos that require cleaning, road maintenance, perhaps seasonal road closures, (i.e. vernal ponds on roadways, etc.) and do what we can to care for our area with our limited abilities. Then make an organized effort to contact the state with areas of concern. I.E. letters and emails to state signed by many of the Caretakers.
I DO NOT want to create a non profit organization and do all the associated formal fund raising and BS'ing, etc. I think organizations supposedly have already been created to do such in preserving the pines. If they wanted to join in some group effort that can be discussed.
Any interest?
If so lets set a date or two to meet and discuss this idea in the next two weeks.
Ideas and criticism is welcome.
Pine Barrens Caretakers
Each person will take a section that they favor. We will document the area in photos that require cleaning, road maintenance, perhaps seasonal road closures, (i.e. vernal ponds on roadways, etc.) and do what we can to care for our area with our limited abilities. Then make an organized effort to contact the state with areas of concern. I.E. letters and emails to state signed by many of the Caretakers.
I DO NOT want to create a non profit organization and do all the associated formal fund raising and BS'ing, etc. I think organizations supposedly have already been created to do such in preserving the pines. If they wanted to join in some group effort that can be discussed.
Any interest?
If so lets set a date or two to meet and discuss this idea in the next two weeks.
Ideas and criticism is welcome.