Poor Coyote Dental Health and Geese


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
They do store fat differently, in a dog in good flesh, they'll have fat on their butt, behind the elbows and in the abdomen. If he was in generally good flesh without noticeable skinniness in the ribs, it may very well have been trauma. His head turned back like that makes me think he was hit by a car, not very likely out there, eh?
That mottling is normal pigmentation, like you saw on your dawgs.

Sue, see my post number 9 in this thread. I confirmed that he was shot.
He was hit by a load of fine shot in the neck and shoulder area, probably 4's, and then dumped.
There was no evidence that he was shot and then ran to the spot where I found him.


New Member
Feb 21, 2011

I grew up in the medford / Indian mills area.Hunted and fished alot until I moved
to maine In the early 70's.. I don't remmeber seeing any coyotes back then.. We
have a big problem with them in Maine .They really are hurting the deer heard. With
over 5 ft. of snow on the ground the dogs will run on the crust and hamstring the deer.
We can hunt 24 hrs. a day for them, jan 1 to Aug. 31 . And we use dead cows and
roadkill deer and moose for bait..Works out really well.


Mar 10, 2005
Pinewald, NJ
I grew up in the medford / Indian mills area.Hunted and fished alot until I moved
to maine In the early 70's.. I don't remmeber seeing any coyotes back then.. We
have a big problem with them in Maine .They really are hurting the deer heard. With
over 5 ft. of snow on the ground the dogs will run on the crust and hamstring the deer.
We can hunt 24 hrs. a day for them, jan 1 to Aug. 31 . And we use dead cows and
roadkill deer and moose for bait..Works out really well.

We have alot of coyotes in the pines now days, even 15 years ago they were fairly rare. They do hurt the deer herd some but not like they do in Northern New England. We do not have the snow issue most of the time and our deer do not yard up in the winter like they do up in your neck of the woods.

We can hunt them 24 hours a day until march 20th. We can not bait for coyotes. I have been doing some night hunts in the last couple of weeks. We have been using a Foxpro call in conjuntion with a jack in the box motion decoy. No luck yet but you can really get them going with a locator call just after dark. We must have had a least 12 different dogs in 4 seperate packs going at once last week locating just after dark.
