Quick halfway question


Apr 3, 2003
New Jersey
HI all,

Its been awhile since I've been out in the pines. I had to get rid of my truck (with clutch) due to knee problems. Anyway, I ventured out on tues, ha ha silly me, in the car, ha ha again a Taurus.

I went out to old halfway, took a quick tour around, saw the old cars had been hauled off finally and new signs for restricted area. Now my question.........on the way to half way lake I take the 3 left directions coming off Mt Misery. At the 3rd bear left I bore right instead and about, hmmm, maybe less then a mile down the road there is a tall grassy area on the left side of the road. I noticed that many trees had been cut down and several had at one time been painted white. I found a few metal pieces that looked like they may have been part of an old stove of some sort and many bricks and such. It looks like it may have been a home or whatever at some point. Question is: Can anyone tell me what I stumbled upon?

Thanks so much...........Jodi, bnsilly


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002


Apr 3, 2003
New Jersey
OK guys, I can't scan a map, I don't have one. No pics either but the pic posted above is not the site. This site had huge trees that had been cut down and as I stated there were several that at one time had been painted white as if used as a property line. The stumps can be seen from the road but not the paint. This supposed site did have a large hole with a huge tree growing from it and another tree has apparently grown around it and has caused it to fall. This tree is at the edge of what looks like foundation rubble in a hole. The grass growing is about 4 feet tall and is obviously a place for deer to rest. It also looks like there may have been a fire but not any time recently, many bricks were charred. There were also several pieces of clay tubing, shiny brown on the outside and dull tan on the inside, they may have been brought in, was hard to tell. From the topo posted it looks like the star is pretty close to the area. Looking at the map I now see the 2 lakes. I have never been to the smaller one, so I must assume that I drove right by it on my way to the larger. The best I can say is that I was on the lower road of the map under the lakes. The map shows that just before you get to the lg lake the roads splits. I took that split, now the problem is the map shows 2 roads, I saw only one so I assume it is the first turn off before the lake. Going further down that road there is a left hand turn that has a sign posted about not swimming and painted over in orange. OK, between the split and that sign is where we were. I'm sorry I can't explain it better and I guess I won't be getting and ideas as to where we were but thats OK, next time I go I'll bring a camera.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Actually, the second link is correct. The first link is not even what I had hoped to post. Oh Well.

Hopefully bnsilly will post back and pin this down.



Apr 3, 2003
New Jersey

I'm trying to get it straight on this end. I did save the map and put a star on it, then I lost it. I'll work on it later when I have more time @ work. The best I can do for the moment is tell you that the map you sent is much easier for me to work with.

The road that runs along the bottom of the lakes, perfect. On that road between the lakes, from the map view I have, theres what seems to be an hour glass shape, half on one side of the road and half on the other. The lower half is where I was. On that half there is a curve in the road and it looks like the road doesn't connect. I was right there,to the right, where the road comes back into view. Litterally just off the road. I also noticed that the trees in that area all had a bumpy growth on them. No pines either.

While out there I found a strip of metal with 3 holes in it, about 12 inches long, 1.5 wide and obviously hand made. Beaten around all edges by a hammer and the holes where set perfectly yet uneven in shape. Also found a white brick, no biggie but there were many many red ones that where either well weather beaten or made. there were no marks on any of them that I could find. Dang late for work again.............gotta run........Jodi