Road blocked- alternate route to Jemima Mount



Today I tried to go to Mount from Washington, so I could go to Jemima Mount again. But about halfway between Washington and Mount, on the Quaker Bridge-Washington Road, there is a big tree down across the road. (Maybe I, or one of us, could go cut it up.)
So what I did was, I backed up to where I could turn around, then went back to the Washington Turnpike. Then I went 1.9 mile up the Hampton Gate Road and made a left on an un-named road shown here: That road is only .6 mile long. At the end of that I turned right on the Mount-Sandy Ridge Road and went 1.3 mile to the road on the left that goes to Jemima Mount. After you turn it is .3 mile to the base of the hill. Jemima Mount rises nearly straight up from the surrounding ground. It's neat. And some of the oaks on top of the hill are Spanish Oak.
So whatever you do, don't go down the Quaker Bridge-Washington Road from Washington unless you have a chainsaw with you.
Dang Barry, you beat me to the report. I was going to Washington from Mount and came across it. This tree has been down fo a while since the leaves are all dead and brittle. I wonder if it came down in that storm about a month ago when we were at FRM. Just before I got to that tree I had to break some branches off of a smaller tree that also had fallen across the road. I couldn't move the tree so if anyone goes there from Mount be careful because the branches jut into the road.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
You also can't get to Old Half Way on the main road from Bullock. You must continue towards Union and make the first right.

OK, who's reading these forums? I took KenDawg to scope out the fallen tree on Washington Rd and found that it has been cleared and the logs stacked. There was evidence of heavy equipment there. This tree had been down for some time but was cleared within a week of it being posted here. Hmmmm............
So I'll try again with another one. A short distance up Burnt School House Rd, off of Rt 542 in Crowleytown, there is a huge tree blocking the road. This tree had approximately an 18" diameter so the thought of my handy dandy hatchet never entered my mind.
These are the coords: 39°37.8631N 74°36.8718W (Deg/Min)