So, I watched Chili's burn down today


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
At 6AM this morning I got off of 295 heading East on 70 towards Marlton, and as I moved to the left lane while I was passing through the Marlcrest intersection I noticed something large heading towards me from Marlcrest. At that same moment the fire truck which it turned out to be turned on their siren scaring me to death. I thought we were going to crash and swerved for a second until I realized I would pass by without incident. Further up 70 as I neared my moms house another vehicle passed me heading west.

I went to my moms and spent almost an hour working on my brothers computer, and returning home at 70 and 295 the smoke was still billowing into the sky. As I got off 295 at Haddonfield the Camden County Fire Marshal vehicle was heading there. This was 1.5 hours after it first started.
