Spur from Atsion to Atco.


Mar 9, 2005
Haddonfield, NJ
I'd like to know if anyone has any information on the spur line that ran from Atsion to Atco? I think the Central Railroad of NJ purchased it in the 1860's or so? Does anyone know when it was built, last time it was in operation and who tore up the tracks? I usually can find info on other lines, just haven't read much about this spur line. Any information in general about trains in the pines I would fine interesting, especially if anyone had any old pictures.

It looks like what is now Raritan Ave in Atco is where the tracks ran.

I just purchased a new 2005 Nissan Frontier Nismo 4x4 so I am hoping I can do a lot more exploring in the pines without having to worry (too much) about getting stuck. I have always looked at njpinebarrens.com and hopefully I will be able to contribute in the near future to a great and informative website.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Raritan Ave is correct.

There are books on the Jersey Central that go into detail on this subject that you my want to read, which is your best bet to find the info you want.

One bit of info you may find interesting, is that at one location near Atsion Lake there is a section of the bed (road) where you can still see the ties in the ground. There are pieces of ties scattered about in other locations, but only one location that I have found where they are still in their original spot.


If you have a GPS I can pass on the coordinates.



Sep 7, 2005
I could be wrong, but doesn't that "spur" come right off of
Railroad ave which is the entrance to Atsion park but it continues
straight on to where it ties into Rariton at Sandy Cause way.??
Besides getting through the back of the park which might not be cool,
It might be a decent walk but I don't think it'll do for your vehicle.


Oct 3, 2005
Carson City, NV
LARGO said:
I could be wrong, but doesn't that "spur" come right off of
Railroad ave which is the entrance to Atsion park but it continues
straight on to where it ties into Rariton at Sandy Cause way.??
Besides getting through the back of the park which might not be cool,
It might be a decent walk but I don't think it'll do for your vehicle.

You are correct, the line branched off at Railroad Avenue near the station, crossed Rt. 206 at the entrance and continued to Atco on what is know Rariton Avenue. In Atco I think the track ran next to Rariton Avenue and tied into the Atlantic City Rail Line.

You can also drive towards Atco, but you'll need a 4 wheel drive to make it through the sand.


Sep 7, 2005
I was pretty sure on the route.
As for the sand, I know it all too well,
I have come on many the four wheel drive enthuisiast that
had too much confidence in their vehicle. If you don't know that sand...
It'll take you right in.
It's o.k. once you learn how to handle it.

Anyone ever follow the old tracks down Fleming pike from Atsion.??
It's a pretty cool treck although kinda short depending on your tastes.