Strange cat



Of our four kitties, one in particularly, Blackberry, is very unusual.
He is a beautiful cat, jet black, with an attitude to go with it. He is the alpha male and does not hesitate to use aggression to remind the other cats that he rules. Yet for all of his aggression, he is the most loveable cat we have. He loves to sleep with people at night (and on people--on your chest, on your head!)
We should have named him Houdini...we close him in rooms to separate him from the other cats when he gets too aggressive, and he somehow finds ways to get out. He even gets out during the night when we close him into the pantry by himself. He's even gotten out of a locked pet carrier on the way to the vet.
Just a couple of minutes I watched him do something I have never seen another cat do. If I hadn't seen it with my own two eyes I would never have believed it. He fed himself. I am not talking about ripping open a container--any animal will do that. He ripped open a small bag of dry food (it was a vet sample), carried it neatly across the room in his mouth, set it down, picked it up again in his mouth by the bottom of the bag, and poured the food INTO his dish, set the bag down, and then ate the food!
I cannot believe it!


OK...he was just drinking out of the I closed the lid on it, and walked out. A minute later Kristen went in there and said "Mom, Blackberry's drinking out of the toilet again"....Blackberry had opened the lid himself. This is one strange cat... :think:


I think the word amazing would be appropriate too. :shock:


BEHR655 said:!!!


Laughs, my mom thought it was creepy too! I know other cats that open doors, even flush toilets, and my mom saw a cat on America's funniest videos that would jump up and turn on the lightswitch--imagine that, if you didn't know that he could do it, and to keep coming into a room where you KNEW you'd turned off the light...that would freak me out!



TeeGate said:
Is this a new cat to you?


We got him the same day I got Cedar, the dog...maybe 3 months ago? I didn't pick him out, Joseph fell in love with the kitty and wanted his own pet, so I wound up getting both the dog and the kitty(I'm a softie, I admit).

He's been really good for Joseph, teaching Joseph to nurture a bit.

I had a cat a number of years ago that refused certain foods--only wanted Tender Vittles--and if I gave her something else she would promptly go over to the closet and open it (it didn't shut tightly), get out the one she wanted, bring it over to me, and sit down in front of me, open it up, and eat it in front of me, as if to show me that she was going to eat what she wanted regardless of what I gave her. But I've never had a cat put the food in her/his own bowl!!!



And I had a cat that died on the Fourth of July. I really miss him. His name was Norton, which is the name his former owners gave him. He was big, but as loveable as can be. He hung around me when I was outdoors working on my car or truck. A couple times a neighborhood dog showed up (a big one), and Norton scared him off.
If he was in the house with me he'd put his paw up on my leg while I'd be sitting here at the computer. If I ignored him he'd keep putting his paw up. But his claws were extremely sharp.
Anyway he disappeared for 3 days I think. On the 3rd or 4th day he showed up. I was at Renee and Joe's for the 4th of July. I called home and my mom told me Norton came home. He was all messed up, with his head all bashed in and so forth. He must've been hit by a car. The vet's estimate to bring him back to some semblance of normal was $600-$1000, so my parents opted to have him put to sleep. :(
But what a cat he was. I'll put pictures of him in my gallery. These are outdoors photos with fall foliage in the picture.


BarryC said:
But what a cat he was. I'll put pictures of him in my gallery. These are outdoors photos with fall foliage in the picture.

Norton really was a cool cat. My kids loved him, he was big loveable thing!
I felt so bad when you found out, you two were good buddies.



May 29, 2003
I found one (1) of my three (3) cats next to a bowling alley about 2 years ago. He was in bad shape and covered with grease. We named him "French Fry" since we think he ws covered in grill grease from nearby dumpsters. He looked real sick, so I brought him to a vet. They checked him and said he was not seriously ill...aka no feline luekemia or AIDS. He was just kinda sick. They gave him a bath to reveal a beautiful coat and he soon regained his strength. He would kick his back legs often for a while as if something was stuck to them, but there wasn't anything. He turned out to be a Norwegian Forest Cat and is a gorgeous animal. He was obviously used to humans since he was affectionate from the start. He has the best disposition of any cat I've had. We like to think he is a very grateful cat.

Anyway, he does this cool thing with his food. He removes one piece of dry food at a time from his food bowl with his paw in an upside down palming position, drops it in the water bowl, then removes it again (with paw) and eats it. He only does it one piece at a time and never loses a piece in the bowl or floor.