I have been Google Earthing my dream trip again and happened to notice an unusual featur.It appears that the top of Sugarloaf Mountain had some huge man made structure on it at one time and when the glaciers swiped away part of the mountains they also took part of the structure.I have attached a kml file that when clicked if you have GE should take you to the location.Has anyone ever heard what this might be?I cannot find anything online about it but I may be putting in the wrong search queries.
Well I have attempted to attach a kmz and a kml file and neither will work.They both are zipped and this site will not take my zipped files so here is the coords for the adventurous.This is in NW montana
I am in awe of this formation.Clearly manmade and would seem to be older then the ice age that partially destroyed it.
Well I have attempted to attach a kmz and a kml file and neither will work.They both are zipped and this site will not take my zipped files so here is the coords for the adventurous.This is in NW montana
I am in awe of this formation.Clearly manmade and would seem to be older then the ice age that partially destroyed it.