Teenager killed in atv accident.

Jul 12, 2006
Gloucester City, NJ
Not sure what to say about this. Sure, I feel sad for the family and for the loss of such of young life, however...................................

-- Why was a 13-year old girl out at 10:30, let alone on an ATV?
-- Why was she stupid enough to have 2-other people on-board?
-- Were her activities that night known to the parents? If so, that brings a whole different series of questions.

Here's the problem that I have when I hear of issues like this. Assuming no wrong-doing was done by the auto driver, put yourself in his/hers shoes. Imagine how he feels. Imagine how it will feel to him 10, 20, 30 years from now. He'll be blaming himself for the rest of his life and all he did was be in the wrong place at the wrong time.