Terrain viewer update coming


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
I think it was @pinelandpaddler who requested this awhile ago but I was kind of cool on it (or was it somebody else? Sorry, can't find the thread). Anyway, was playing around with the terrain viewer recently, thinking "I wish I could zoom out farther!" :D Still some work to do, but it's coming. Note the map size buttons - two more clicks (current max is 48 miles).


But this will be a mixed bag if you're mainly interested in the Pines. Even with the 40-color shader, there's such a huge elevation difference as you go inland, Southern New Jersey just vanishes into the ocean!


I had better results on the 96 mile scale with the center point moved farther East, to get the mountians off-screen. Takes some trial and error.


Up in the mountains at 192 mile scale


Some nice views with the aerials.

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Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Thanks for reminding me, had kind of forgotten this in the flurry of creating all the new aerials! Was going to wait a little longer to roll this out, but noticed I had already put some of the "hooks" for the new map sizes into the main boydsmaps app. Of course, those just crashed the old terrain viewer. So, I just put the new version online, have done very little testing though. Give it a try, let me know how it works. As I have posted many times, if this doesn't work at all, then you might need to clear your browser cache.

Here are some examples. You can access the terrain viewer the same as always, by clicking the blue cube button in the desktop version of boydsmaps. But these large sizes may not always do what you expect, especially near the edges of the map, you'll probably need to do some trial and error.

Note: the terrain viewer crashes on my iPhone and iPad - I don't recommend it for mobile devices. But mine are old, so maybe newer phones can handle it? I sort of doubt it though.

Another note: it really uses a lot of memory on your computer. I do not recommend having multiple terrain viewer windows or tabs open at the same time!




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