The ruins at Washington



This is referring to the ruins we know about, at what has been called Joseph Wharton's Washington Farms.
From "Iron in the Pines".
"What is to be found at Washington now-- other than the ruin already described? In front of that ruin, and to the right, are ground-level foundations of what probably was a house, 38 feet long and 16 feet in depth. In front of the ruin, and to the left, about twenty feet from the road, is a small well with bricked walls, still excellently preserved. All other discernible remains are on the opposite-- the north-- side of the Tuckerton Road. Almost directly across the road from the ruin are two cellar holes. One measures about 15 feet by 30 feet (this is where the school was shown on the 1858 map), and the other roughly 18 feet by 30 feet (some bricks remain here). To the rear are vestiges of an orchard and also a clearing, which suggests that a barn may once have stood there. Some 750 feet east along the Tuckerton road comes another cellar, again on the north side. It is approximately fifty feet off the road and probably was another house, quite possibly that of 'W.H. Sooy.' "

So here is a bunch of information on other buildings that were near the ruins there at Washington. Arthur Pierce describes those ruins as that of a combined barn and pit silo, which is what I've thought for a long time.
The school shown on the 1858 map is referred to as "Public School 3001". I have found 2 cellar holes across the road from the ruins, but not much else. But with this info, we should be able to find a lot more, or at least find where they were.