This date in PBX history 10/23/2004


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

You are all invited to a trip back in time where we will revisits this date in history. On 10/23/2004 the members of PBX set out on a excursion I planned that was titled “Rockwood Rocks!”. So get in the time machine, sit back, and enjoy the ride.

The title of our next exploring trek is:

Rockwood Rocks!

We will meet at 9:00 AM on Saturday morning, October 23rd.

This will be a demanding and interesting trek and it is not for everyone. It will be through many potential wet areas, so don’t come only to complain your boots are getting wet.

This trip will take us to the same bog Bob Bruneau took us to in his legendary trip “Boogie to the Unknown Bog”. However, we will be approaching the bog from the opposite direction, and we will become intimately familiar with the Sleeper Branch. The Sleeper is that mysterious, rambling branch of the Mullica that feeds the great Swamp. It is a very inaccessible river, and therefore not very much explored, especially by the average Joe.

We will first start out at the abandoned settlement of Rockwood. See Becks… "More Forgotten Towns of Southern New Jersey," page 216 "Nothin' in Nothin' in Rockwood." We will hit some very interesting looking savannahs also on the way to the fan-shaped bogs that feature and old weir and bridge. This is a neat area if you have not been there, and I always wanted to see just how tough it is to tangle with the Sleeper just west of there.

It looks like a good mix of things to see on this trip, but, like I said; If you are afraid of getting wet, you better stay home (but I really hope to see you there).

This trip will be from 5 to 7 miles long, with a lot of bushwhacking through the swamp. We have a lot of flexibility. I ain't saying we won't backtrack if the going gets too tough. After all, we are crazy but not stupid, right?

Hope to see you soon…………Bob.











