Tom Brown Jr.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
He made on hell of a sweat lodge speech his last night of the standard class.Unfortunately since then I have developed reservations about his story of how he came by his skills.I heard from a fellow student and friend that several years ago upon being questioned too closely by another student about people and events from his so called past that he through said student out,refunded his money and told his instructors to never allow him back in his presence again.Also his bow drill he teached leaves somewhat to be desired.I fought with his style if drill for years and never made fire.Upon getting the net in 97 I found a notch technique and drill squaring technique by Rob Chatburn and upon putting them into practice got a coal and fire my first try.
I now no longer believe it is possible for one person to walk into the barrens nekked as he claims and make it from scratch.I think you will end up dumpster diving till you get yourself established and would be much better off with a small tribe so as to divide up tasks.There is way too much that needs to be done too fast when by yourself.If you did make it on your own it would not be in the comfortable life style he claims but near starvation eating bugs till you supplied yourself with necessities.Even IShi when he wandered into Oroville ,California in 1911 after losing all the members of his tribe apparently looked like he had been rode hard and put away wet.He was exhausted and in a very sad condition and he had been a survivalist his whole life.If your going to do this take a tribe,don't go it alone.
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