Volunteer Docents Needed(Atsion)


Jan 22, 2007
Southern NJ
Got this from Lines on the pines
Historic Atsion Mansion to open for tours – Summer 2012
Volunteer Docents Needed!
Are you interested in local history? Do you enjoy meeting new people? Then Historic Atsion Mansion in Wharton State Forest is the place for you! Volunteer docents are needed to provide public tours of the Mansion on weekends beginning June 9th. No experience is necessary. All volunteers will be provided with a script as well as training to get you started. Even if you can only help one day each month, you will be making an important contribution.
The first training for volunteer docents will be held on May 19th at 10:00 a.m. at the Atsion Park Office, on Rt. 206 in Shamong. Contact Barbara Solem at barbsolem@aol.com or 609-268-5556 for information on how to get involved.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Really... WTF is a "docent" anyway? Wikipedia says: "Docent is a title at some European universities to denote a specific academic appointment within a set structure of academic ranks below professor (i.e. professor ordinarius). Docent is also used at some universities generically for a person who has the right to teach. The term is derived from the Latin word docēns, which is the present active participle of docēre (to teach, to lecture)."

So does it mean teacher? Really makes me wonder if whoever runs this program realizes they are in the Pine Barrens, in New Jersey? :rolleyes:
Apr 6, 2004
Really... WTF is a "docent" anyway? Wikipedia says: "Docent is a title at some European universities to denote a specific academic appointment within a set structure of academic ranks below professor (i.e. professor ordinarius). Docent is also used at some universities generically for a person who has the right to teach. The term is derived from the Latin word docēns, which is the present active participle of docēre (to teach, to lecture)."

So does it mean teacher? Really makes me wonder if whoever runs this program realizes they are in the Pine Barrens, in New Jersey? :rolleyes:


I think this is what was in mind:
