Vote No to expand Hunting in NJ


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
As another thread indicates, there are bills before the legislature that will expand hunting considerably. I am firmly against expanding hunting in the ways they desire, so have written to my legislators to urge a no vote on these bills.

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To write your legislator about this, use this link. It's pretty easy, you can email all your legislators at once:

Below is what I sent my 3 legislators. Feel free to use all of it or to modify it as you wish:

I am firmly against Bills S699, A1882, and A3120, and I need you to vote NO on each. Bill S699 authorizes hunting every day of the week during hunting season. Bill A1882 authorizes deer hunting with firearm on Sundays on private property, and bill A3120 requires the Fish and Game Council to establish summer bow and arrow hunting season. These bills are currently going through the legislative process, but they definitely need to be voted down.

I am not anti-hunting, but I am very satisfied that I can enter the woods one day a week to do any number of activities without worry that I’ll interrupt hunting activities or put myself or my family in danger. Many people in addition to myself love being in the woods for any number of reasons other than hunting, to include Hiking, Fishing, Birding, trail bike riding, horseback riding, studying and photographing wildlife, and even just to enjoy the solitude.

Please vote against these bills. Keep our one day a week open without hunting for us non-hunters. Already, several years ago Bow-hunting was approved for the Wildlife Management areas on Sunday. This was very disappointing to us non-hunters, as we use these areas too for viewing and photographing wildlife and other activities. Wildlife is not just game for shooting, it is held in trust for all New Jersey citizens for the sake of having a viable ecosystem to be enjoyed by all.