Warning: Limit Intake Of N.J. Squirrel Meat


Hmmm guess I should have saved that one I scopped out of the pool. nah, better to have tossed it. LOL

I went to college with a Tom Slater, we both worked for the college paper, he was a real soccer nut, wonder if its the same guy.


Mar 12, 2004
thanks for posting this, I was just about to chow down on a squirrel sandwich when I read this. Whew....dodged a bullet!


Well I was too late reading this. My dinner plans are ruined - I have my masterful Squirrel à l'Orange all prepped for tonight. Guess its back to possum wellington . . .


Feb 19, 2005
Copperhead Road
It's actually kind of a shame. We can't eat shellfish from the meadowlands because they're full of PCBs, and now we can't eat squirrels from the Ramapo Mountains because they're full of lead! At least Ford is atoning for its sins. A guy I used to work with who was a Ramapo Mountain Indian said that when he was a kid they used to find the multicolored paint sludge in the woods gathered in low lying areas where it had leached into the ground water and oozed up out of the mine shafts it was dumped into. Kids being kids they'd pick it up and throw it at each other-now a lot of them have cancer...

In any event, if you're going to cook up some good 'ol Piney stew, you'd best use squirrels from the Pines! Funny though, in my office people were looking at the front page of the Trentonian (or Trashtonian as I like to call it) which had a picture of a squirrel superimposed on a background of bright yellow barrels with the "radioactive" symbol. I explained the whole story to them having heard it firsthand. When I mentioned that my grandmother makes a delicious squirrel stew it raised more than a few eyebrows!


Feb 24, 2006
Fredericksburg VA
The only thing better than tree rats is coon. Musk rat is really good also. I once read that racoon meat has the highest level of niacin, riboflavin, and thiamine of any meat tested. Squirrel and rabbit rate pretty high too. I love squirrel stew but they are also good roasted on a spit over an open fire.


Feb 19, 2005
Copperhead Road
Do you know her recipe?

Not sure what it is, but she would usually cook it up in a heavy stock with big chunks of potatos, carrots, and some wild onion. I haven't really hunted squirrels since I was a kid and used to go more for practice than anything, but stew was a nice bonus.

The only thing better than tree rats is coon.

Now THAT is some Piney cookin! Can't say that I've ever had raccoon. My dad used to trap possum, raccoon, and muskrat when he was a kid, but he would skin them out and sell the pelts to someone and my great grandfather would sell the meat at his stand at Columbus Farmers Market along with clams he would dig down the shore. Something about coons and possums being scavengers just doesn't sit right with me :eek: I wouldn't mind groundhog though, I bet they're almost as sweet as squirrel being grazers and such.


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
wow, with all this talk of eating groundhog and coon and opposum and muskcrat, i'm wondering if anyone has tried eating beaver? just wondering.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I think it best this discussion stops right here.
