Where is the Shrouds house??


Sep 14, 2008
atlantic county
hahahaha , you need to go hit my new cache and make sure you do it at night time , i tryed texting you a few times , but nicks not feeling loved no more :(

I was in school when you text me, then I forgot...

Plus I still am having brake issues so not driving far...

Still love you, my brother....

Now get OUT of this thread...



New Member
Nov 18, 2010
Devil Shmevil

Don't confuse the 'Shourds' house - not 'Shrouds' house - with the old homestead of Japhet and Deborah Leeds. The Shourds house was of a much later vintage. The location of the Japhet Leeds homestead has always been a carefully held local secret. We don't want what's left of the brick foundation and chimney being carted off by Jersey Devil souvenir hunters. Lord knows there isn't much left of Paynes Tavern up t' Chestnut Neck as a result of people carrying off remnants of its brick foundation.

Unfortunately, old Harry Leeds has been giving the location some publicity in the media. The result has yet to be gauged. So, to me, the only Devilish figure in Leeds point, is Harry.

Deborah or 'mother' Leeds, like all our local women of her time, was a God-Fearing, hard-working mother, wife, and respected member of her community. She does not deserve to be remembered as a witch or someone who trafficked with the dark forces. The Jersey Devil is a modern literary invention, probably built around a nucleus based upon the reputation of 'Daniel' Leeds - Japhet's father, who was somewhat shady in his business dealings and a drunkard. Well...according to the tradition handed down in my family.

The bastard once humiliated my 6th great grandfather in front of an assemblage of his Quaker brethren, basically denouncing him as a rabble-rouser and a fallen Christian, just because he slugged a neighbour in the chin. The neighbour probably deserved it, especially if he was a Leeds man or a Higbee...lol

God bless you mother Leeds. The old stock locals know the truth about you.



New Member
Nov 18, 2010
Fred Brown said he was !

Well Fred Brown, whoever Fred Brown is, is full of Baloney. I hope!...lol :rolleyes:

My family has lived in the vicinity of Leeds Point since the days of Japhet and Deborah, and not
'a one of us has ever seen or heard this legendary beast. If this creature really does exist? I really don't want to know, because I live 1.4 miles from where he was born. If I ever looked out my bedroom window and saw the Jersey devil staring back, I think I'd have a heart attack.



Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
Who is this Fred Brown person? Tell him to show himself. :ham:


He was a piney "consultant" to writer John McPhee in his book The Pine Barrens. A very colorful guy. I was told by an old piney in Chatsworth once that he was the biggest B.S. er in the area.



New Member
Nov 18, 2010
He was a piney "consultant" to writer John McPhee in his book The Pine Barrens. A very colorful guy. I was told by an old piney in Chatsworth once that he was the biggest B.S. er in the area.


Sadly we just lost Harry Leeds, the greatest publicity agent the Jersey Devil ever had. Unfortunately and inevitably we're losing the old timers, and with them so much of our local folk history. Much has already been forgotten. Happily we have books like Mr McPhee's and many others to record some of this history for posterity. I had never seen a picture of my own great great grandmother - Lucretia Applegate Leek -until I opened up 'Heart of the Pines'.

Harry's obit

Aug 6, 2010
Williamstown, NJ
I finally found the depression in the hole from the Shrouds House today. A tree seems to have collapsed across the hole as well. And about 40 feet away is a tree stand. There was a couple of bricks in the hole and some glass jars as well. Lots of thorns getting back there. My friend was bit by a spider as well.


New Member
Nov 18, 2010
I finally found the depression in the hole from the Shrouds House today. A tree seems to have collapsed across the hole as well. And about 40 feet away is a tree stand. There was a couple of bricks in the hole and some glass jars as well. Lots of thorns getting back there. My friend was bit by a spider as well.

Although it is commonly called the 'Shroud's' house, it is actually the 'Shourds' house. The Shourds are among my ancestors. I actually live maybe a 5 minute drive from the location of the ruined structure. Be careful you don't get shot for trespassing. Some of the locals are very jealous of their private property rights. The spiders are the least of your worries...lol

Are you a long-time Williamstown resident? Maybe you can tell me where a local who died around 1840 might be buried? My 4th great grandfather's brother who served with him in the Gloucester county militia during the American Revolution moved to Squankum around 1815 with his wife and children. There are men bearing his (my) name living in Williamstown to this day, but they don't seem to know any of their family history.

Aug 6, 2010
Williamstown, NJ
I've lived in Williamstown since 2002. I know of 3 cemetaries here. The one with the oldest graves are behind the First United Methodist church on Main Street. Its the tallest building on the street, you can't miss it. There is also a smaller patch of graves across the street on the right side of the building. The other cemetary is also on main street behind the First Presbyterian church. Theres a very tiny small one along the Black horse pike. But I think that one is recent graves only.


New Member
Nov 18, 2010
Thanks so much for the informative reply. Those are great leads. I'll be heading to Williamstown in the very near future to investigate these locations.

Best regards,
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