Wild Cherry Jammin'


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
The bride and I went out in the rain yesterday afternoon and collected a bunch of wild cherries to make jam. We walked a few old fields and a field edge and ended with enough to make 6 pints.

The hardest part is the pitting which requires popping each and every individual cherry with your fingers to eject the pit. No commercial pitter works on wild cherries. We only do this every few years because of the work involved. If you have never had it, the flavor is unbelievable.

I start checking the trees in the last week of July and the cherries are at their peak of ripeness right now. They will soon be bird food or shrivel on the branch. Go get 'em !



Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
When are the beach plums ripe ?
Cape May Brewing offers a beach plum ale occasionally and it is excellent.

I start checking the third/fourth week of August. Usually the first/second week of Sept they are ready, depending on location.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
We have several out back, not mature enough to set plums yet, but soon. IBSP is the place, couple more; Sandy Hook-Gateway NRA, Cape May meadows used to be, but they 'made it better' and the plums are probably gone. But any area that has secondary dunes should have some. If you are in a state or fed park, just ask before you pick. Then there is the IBSP Beach Plum Festival in September. Used to help out with it, but no longer. They make it during the festival with the best beach plum jelly and jam recipes.
