Silver Fox Inn


Apr 1, 2005
I drove past Saturday Night, 12/8. Mrs Muck & I were deeply saddened to see the place dark, the caddy gone & a realtor sign in the front yard.


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
I became indirectly involved with the property this year by filing an Application for Development with the Pinelands Commission on behalf of someone who was interested in purchasing just the agricultural part of the property. The property is nearly 27 acres in size.

I ran the Commission's Septic Dilution Model for the existing operation and I was able to propose an 8 acre lot for the bar and apartment use and a 19 acre ag lot with a deed restricted area for dilution purposes.
I received one review from the Commission requesting a few minor plan details and clarifications and we would have been on our way for the local subdivision approval upon re-submission of a revised plan.

At that point, we learned that there were serious and longstanding property tax issues with the property and there were already tax lien holders lurking in the shadows with their collars drawn tight and claws extended.
A sad ending.
I have had no more contact with the owners or our client since early fall.


Sep 7, 2005
Yet another small family business down the tubes. It's so sad to see how many businesses have shutdown locally in the last 10-20 years.

Sadly enough it did not have to be that way. It wasn't chain establishments or big business that took this one out.
It is not that unusual once the older generations run out and the old places fall the wayside.
I am in agreement with you no doubt. A sadness.


Pine Baron

Feb 23, 2008
Sandy Run
Thanx for clearing this up, Scott. Muck and I were just talking about this last night. I suppose due to the amount of (lack of) business, it was difficult to keep up with the taxes on a property that large. I had no idea they had that much acreage.

I, too, was saddened last Friday when I drove past on the way to Hammonton HS and noticed the missing Caddy. We're hoping Foxy can pull through this ordeal.



Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
Our client was truly benevolent. He felt that purchasing the land in fee that he had been farming for several years, so that the Fox could maintain their Q-Farm status on the rear portion, would provide a much needed infusion of cash to help them pull through.
Unfortunately, the tax lien holders were entrenched in their position and took the property.

The company that held the tax sale certificates is Royal Tax Lien Services LLC. I researched their business and found a little dirt. This article explains that dirt but also briefly explains the complexities of the tax lien auctions that take place in New Jersey. I still don't fully understand the tax lien certificates and auction process but it is obviously a lucrative business. The ultimate prize is ending up with the property, as is the case with the Fox.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
The company that held the tax sale certificates is Royal Tax Lien Services LLC. I researched their business and found a little dirt.

"Banks “are very involved” in the process, Belluscio said. Banks provide loans to lien firms and also package liens they purchase into bonds that they sell to investors, he said."

What a bunch of scumbags. I'm learning to despise banks. I quit my bank (TD) and put all my eggs into my Credit Union. I gave my son a check from my TD bank last year, and they wanted to charge him $5 to cash it, because he was not a member. I mentioned this before, and some people thought that was a fair charge. Like hell it is.
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Apr 1, 2005
I'm glad I took some photos of the Lounge, the Caddy, and the logo on the front steps of the 'Fox a few years ago......Also, the photo of Scott sitting at the Bar is awesome


Sep 14, 2008
atlantic county
Sadly the Fox looks like it is done. I loved that ole bar. Spent quite a few days there for the $5 hr plus tips when there were no tips. Wish it would come back. What a great place!!!!!
Dec 26, 2012
Dear Folks---out of courtesy to many--and being possible liable---I won't relate cetain names, dates or other things. I am related to my Aunt Florence---on my father's side out of his former marriage. Dad's unsuccessful marriage was to a Polish Lady). "Foxy" is my only child's godmother. Charlie & Foxy never had children. I got very close to Charlie & Florence in the early 80's prior to his death. Easter time was a sorrow to Foxy through the years. A stubborn Lady who ran the Silver Fox Inn for as long as she could. The truth about her two-tone blue 67' Cadillac is written. It was her "shill" being parked out front of the Inn. We'd always laugh at it ---sometimes getting the tires pumped up. Actually, she only stopped driving it about 1988! She wanted to get a Volkswagon! Never happened. For those other "older" folks who MIGHT remember----a certain Lady named "Pollack Annie". Annie's first establishment ( early 1900's) was the "Green Lantern Inn" way back off of Jim Leeds road ( renamed Jimmy Leeds ) in Galloway township ( Absecon Highlands) . She entertained lots of Seamen--and only hired barmaids. Annie was barren also---but ran her business well into her late 80's. She & Foxy were friends. Annie was like a mother to me. Her last car was a 1961 yellow, convertible Studebaker Lark! We'd drive out and go shopping with the top down! Annie had lost a husband many years before. Foxy---was a dedicated Lady to Charlie. The Silver Fox was a "clean run" establishment. Although, some of the patrons might be questioned. Donald Trump once visited there with one of his purchasing agents---on business---of course. Foxy--(like she wanted to be called----never "Flo") liked Dewer's Scotch---like I did. She named me "One & Done or Two & Through!. My hobby was Jukeboxes. I re-worked her original 1961 Seeburg that had layed broken in a back room. We had it "going" for a few years. Then I gave her a 1973 Rockola--which worked better. So, yes, foxes were raised there at one time--during the depression. An untitled airfield did exist on the back "34" acres. Rumors held that the notorius Al Capone would shuttle in, have a few drinks and then head to his summer home in Pine Hill-- adjacent the Golf Course-- ( that estate still exists). Charlie & Florence worked together in Philadelphia at the Philco Radio Company prior to buying to Silver Fox Inn. My dad worked at RCA. There are much more "colorful" stories to tell about the above folks, but I hesitate for obvious reasons. I can say----they were hard working business people who never spent a day in jail---or broke any laws to my knowledge. In my ending years---I treasure my relationships with these folks. Oh yes---Foxy didn't open until 4 PM ---and closed on Mondays. Her crowd would gather at nights---SOME being there of "character" who just wanted to go somewhere out of "question"---out of sight, ect. -- and just dance & listen to old songs on the Jukebox. Did she run a late night "Speakeasy"?----I'll never tell!----------Dudge.


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
Welcome to the site Dudge.
I was in there a few years ago and she had two juke functioning boxes. One was for "the old people" and the other had that "new stuff".
The closing of the Fox certainly was the end of an era.