Mullica Put-in Options


Dec 7, 2005
Medford, NJ
Hi all,

Finally got a kayak, so planning to do the lower Mullica ending at Crowley's Landing. A couple questions:

1) Where would you put-in for a 3-4 hour paddle, somewhere between Constable Bridge and Old Camp Ground? Get you get a Grand Cherokee in there without getting stuck?

2) From satellite maps, looks like there are a bunch of dead ends / false paths along the route - tips for staying in the main channel?

3) How has the water level been recently?

4) Will they allow take-out at or near Sweetwater River Deck?

Any thoughts / tips appreciated -- thks ed


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
From Constable Bridge to the state take out at Pleasnat Mills in a canoe only takes me 45 minutes without stopping.If you go down to the Forks and take out at the end of the dirt road leading south from 542 that might add another half hour? Don't know about Sweetwater.The channel is pretty obvious.most of those dead ens are very shallow bogs that can only be paddled into in very high water.There is always enough water down that far to get a kayak through though no doubt it is probably on the low side right now.always is in summer except after a hurricane.


Jan 2, 2003
Apr 6, 2004
Great, thanks for all the info.

Since Constable Bridge is only 45 minutes from Crawley's (I originally thought about 1.5 hours) - maybe start here for a target 3.5 hours....,-74.6789532,239m/data=!3m1!1e3

I think thats where the Wilderness Area sign is, so can't drive any further on that side of the river on that road.

That beach looks like a perfect rest stop.

Gonna be a lot longer than 45 minutes from Constable Bridge to Crowley's Landing. If you plan to stop here and there and poke around a bit, count on a 3 hour trip.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
it's 45 minutes from Constable Bridge to Pleasnat Mills.Crowleytown is much further down in Tidal water.The Forks are between crowleys and Pleasant Mills and is a dirt road drive.Mordecai is slightly before Crowleytown but within sight of it.


May 20, 2006
For that section of the river, I usually put in at Mordecai's and do an out and back. No need for a shuttle and you can get a good three hour or more paddle. Time your launch about an hour before high tide and paddle upstream as far as possible, poking into the various gunkholes, and then have an easy paddle back with the outgoing tide.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
if you really like dead water bayous and cul de sacs an amazing place to paddle is the Great Egg harbor river below Weymouth and above Lake Lenape.
I remember vast beds of Golden Club and Pickerelweed in bloom.

That is quite an impressive backwater Al.

I was down your way several days ago, poking around Dennisville, Woodbine, and Tuckahoe. The straight run on Pine Swamp road was very interesting. I stopped midway and shut off the motorcar. Very quiet. I was also quite impressed with the diverse vegetation in the Tuckahoe WMA.

Did you get surgery yet? When can you come out to play?


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
That is quite an impressive backwater Al.

I was down your way several days ago, poking around Dennisville, Woodbine, and Tuckahoe. The straight run on Pine Swamp road was very interesting. I stopped midway and shut off the motorcar. Very quiet. I was also quite impressed with the diverse vegetation in the Tuckahoe WMA.

Did you get surgery yet? When can you come out to play?
I think you might be speaking of Savages Run.It runs from Lake Nummy down through east Creek Pond and then becomes East Creek and flows through Eldora and out to the bay.I used to live in Belleplain.
I had to postpone my surgery till October.I found out that I have to take FMLA when getting a surgery and that according to our contract at work they take a weeks vacation from you every time you go out.I have two weeks planned in November and already have it okayed and they are not going to screw me out of it.I am going to go on vacation at the end of my recovery period.I can't believe they are actually that ignorant as to take peoples vacation or the Union was stupid enough to okay it.So I will be gimping all summer.
There is an awesome stream down here called Tuckahoe Creek.From Head of the River till up past Hunters Mill it runs through very old cranberry bogs that have turned into a botanical wonderland.The bottom is sandy and it goes from thigh to shoulder deep and is cold even mid summer.Bill and I have walked up it from Hunters mill to the power line and have canoed it from hunters mill down to Aetna Furnace.I can do shot swamp walks without messing myself up too bad.If you ever want to jump in a creek and see a gorgeous jungle let me know.It is easier to walk in the creek for the most part since the bog itself is quite soft.
also this isn't too far from the big cedars.Aetna furnace looks like a volcano about twenty feet high right next to the tidal section of the crrek.


May 18, 2009
port republic
Back to the MULLICA river.

Instead of going up constable bridge rd, go up bastso river rd and the bear left on middle rd. there will be a perpendicular left turn (by the big pitch pine tree) that will take you over to the mullica with a sandy put in just above some beaver dams. ( a lot of guys fish this beaver pond for pickerel). this is upstream of the mullica camp and the wilderness area. probably about 3 hours or so to pleasant mills.. I wish i could give more precise directions, but it is really not that hard to find. an afternoon of scouting around and you will be all set. a very nice day trip on the best section of the mullica IMHO