Man Goes Missing During Hunting Trip


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
We left them out there.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I didn't really notice him. I only concentrated on the man we talked with and two of the woman.
Oct 14, 2009
Little Egg Harbor

Bob and I searched again today for the missing hunter that this thread is about. We explored much deeper in the woods than we felt the previous searchers covered. It was not a place to be if you were not a woods person. Anyway, we did find these very deep in the woods.


We were concerned at first we may have found something but I have to say we did find them on a survey cut which might mean it was one of the surveyors who owned them. In any event, we finished our searching and made our way out of the woods. As we were heading down the road near where the hunters stand had been at we heard voices ahead of us in the woods. Soon two men popped out of the woods and we approached them. Then a woman came out followed by another woman. They asked what we were doing and seeming to not know anything about the hunter at first. However, we noticed they were search and rescue and they told us they were practicing. After I showed them the photo above the man who had a Burlington County Search and Rescue badge told us he was related to the hunter and at the time the hunter went missing he was wearing shorts and our find could not have been from him. This man seemed to be a cop of some sort and carried a foot long knife. They were using it to make their way through the woods.

They then left and we followed them back to our vehicle. They had about 6 or 7 vehicles parked by our vehicle. So it is obvious that even after all this time they are still actively looking for him. I am not sure how deep they went today but all the evidence we saw does not seem like they traveled far. However, each and every search gives hope.

Oct 14, 2009
Little Egg Harbor
It was really deep but on a cut survey line. It could have been worn by those cutting the trees. The man we talked with was not the least bit interested in it. I showed him the photo in my camera.

There always is a chance that even though he had shorts on, he could have had overalls in his truck and put them on to walk in the woods. They then may be his.
I would mention it to Good job finding them!


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Did you leave the coveralls in the woods or retrieve them? People that are lost and frightened often do crazy stuff like strip and run naked till collapsing.Fear probably makes em feel stifled and running will overheat them.They'll even run across a blacktop road and straight into the woods on the other side not realizing they've crossed a road.I"ve talked to mantrackers who have seen this sort of thing.
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
We left them there but I have the cords and can get them if need be.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
Funny, I just read 5 reports. And they all have the man as wearing long jeans, flannel shirt, with solid color tee underneath. No shorts

Given the weather on the day he disappeared, that seems more realistic, as do the coveralls.

Temp ranged 60-66f, with winds in the teen's gusting to 30mph out of the ENE. Wind chill would probably have been in the 40's. An overcast, damp, chilly day and night.
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Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
People that are lost and frightened often do crazy stuff like strip and run naked till collapsing.Fear probably makes em feel stifled and running will overheat them.They'll even run across a blacktop road and straight into the woods on the other side not realizing they've crossed a road.I"ve talked to mantrackers who have seen this sort of thing.

Guy and I discussed that very possibility (we discussed the fact that it even happens in winter), so we searched both sides of the fire cut in a 100 foot circle. Nothing.

Here's the deal. We had to fight our way through this stuff like nobody knows. We kept saying to each other..."you need a hundred men in a row holding hands, and you need them to look sharp". At times an adjacent inkberry thicket just 10 feet away could have hid him. Here is an example of that, and an area of cedars so close together that you could not swing your arms in a circle even with your elbows bent.



Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
Its been 2 years, there is no body to look for, just remains that are probably scattered by now. Forensics could have tested the coveralls for decayed remains.