Alternative to pepper spray

My current EDC knife is a Bench Made Mini-Griptillian. 3" blade with a thumb stud (no spring assist) which is legal in NJ for assisted opening.
I have been carrying a knife of some sort nearly every day of my life since the age of about 9, just like my father did.
I carry larger fixed blades for hunting and fishing purposes but I make sure I always have a valid reason for carrying the larger stuff. I have never been questioned on my various EDC's and I have had to temporarily sign it over a few times when entering County Courthouses or municipal buildings for work purposes.

I am really surprised at how many people today don't carry a knife. The people I work with and my family always say, "Ask Scott, he's always got a knife on him." when they have to open a box or cut something.

I have carried a folding pocket knife since I was a kid. 2,3, or 4 inch, small enough to fit in pants/skirt pocket. About 30 years ago I was with a friend in a Somers Pt restaurant/fern bar, and my friend who lived aboard a 42 foot sailboat was showing me her new rigging knife. I showed her my small pocket knife.
The manager came to our table and asked us to leave: said we were upsetting the other customers.
LOL! Other than confiscation of one knife and one Leatherman minitool at airport security years ago, haven't had a problem. When I travel, I have a foot long fixed blade Buck knife under the passenger floormat. Also a short lug wrench. Haven't needed them, no problems. Probably helps to be a girl.
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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
I have been carrying a knife of some sort nearly every day of my life since the age of about 9, just like my father did.

Me too - maybe even younger. I was taught that it was just "one of those things a man does" at an early age. But it was always as a utility tool, not for self defense. I started carrying Swiss Army knives sometime around my college years. I was always "the guy with the knife" for most of my professional life, just like you.

Over 30 years ago, I supervised the construction of a large set for a co-production of the opera "Aida". On opening night, the director (who was Swiss) gave me a new Swiss Army knife as a gift, and said they were a "right of passage" in her country. That was very sweet, I carried it for many years and still have it.

I have an early memory of getting a hunting knife in a sheath for my birthday. It was just cheap, poorly-made junk, probably inspired by popular TV shows of the era (like Daniel Boone). But I thought it was really cool. A few days later, we were packing for a vacation in the Ozarks and I wanted to bring my knife. My father said, why would you need that on vacation? And I responded, "I don't know, maybe I'll want to stab a squirrel or something". I caught hell for that (which is why I remember) and had to listen to a long lecture. :D


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
I've been EDCing a pocket knife and flashlight on my person for decades.

I have a little stable of EDC's. I change up every few months when get tired of looking at one or the other.
I am a 100 % made in USA guy so I own original NY made Schrades, PA made Cases, MI made Marbles and original Bucks.
Favorite EDC's are Buck Wrangler, Case Russlock, Schrade LB-3 and LB-7 and my newest addition, the Benchmade Griptilian.

Funny how a used Schrade will cost you 4 times what a new Chinese Schrade will cost you.
There's a reason for that. It's called American pride in manufacturing. Seek out the current USA knife manufacturers. You wont be disappointed but your pocket might be a little lighter. But that's okay with me.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
I have never been questioned on my various EDC's and I have had to temporarily sign it over a few times when entering County Courthouses or municipal buildings for work purposes.

When I was executor for a relatives estate that lived in Manhattan I was in and out of govt buildings. All required metal detector checks. The first time I pulled out the swiss army to put in the tray for their safekeeping. When I was done doing business and went to retrieve it, I was taken aside by 2 LE into a separate room and asked a bunch of questions. They left me there and returned some time later with my knife and a strong suggestion not to carry it when I was going to do govt business. I guess they ran me thru the computer to see if I was a good boy or not. Subsequently I left the knife at home.

I carry larger fixed blades for hunting and fishing purposes but I make sure I always have a valid reason for carrying the larger stuff.

Hunting and fishing are the 2 justifiable reasons accepted by the courts. Fishing is easy, show a license and fishing equipment, but hunting gets a bit complicated ;)
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I always carry one with me, even here in the house. It goes in my pocket when my pants go on.
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Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
I still have the first knife I was allowed to carry when I was a kid. (I am not a hoarder. Well, maybe I am)
My father had given it to my older sister and she didn't really use it so I adopted it.
It's a small green and white Imperial with a clip point knife blade, bottle opener, can opener, screwdriver and awl.
I still keep it well oiled ! Still snaps shut like a bank vault.

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Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
Another valued knife. This was my Dad's M. Klein and Sons electrician's knife. He was an electrical worker for RCA and built transmitting antennae for television stations around the United States, including the ones that went down with the World Trade Center.
He carried this knife every day of his life that I can remember. It is probably 60 -70 years old. If you research photos of this Klein knife online you will be hard pressed to find one with this much blade wear. The cutting blade is pointing down in this photo. It has only a cutting blade and flat screwdriver with a brass liner lock for the screwdriver. He used to run the blade across a belt sander occasionally for sharpening. He stripped a lot of cable with that knife as you can see from the curvature in the cutting edge.

I still buy Klein Tools today. Founded by Mathias Klein in 1857 and still 6th generation family owned. Not cheap but my grandson will be using them long after I'm gone.



Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
I love your sense of American history in craftsmanship Scott!
Thanks Bob. As you can tell, it’s something that is really important to me when it comes to tools and knives and other hardware items. It kills me that this country has lost so many manufacturing jobs in the years since we were born. My father had a very vocal disdain for anything imported, especially tools and vehicles, when I was growing up and it was instilled in me.
This year, at the urging of a friend of mine and against my better judgement , I purchased my first and last tool from Harbor Freight. I only needed to cut some 3/8 wire rope in three places at my gun club for a work project. I bought cable cutters for $20. Klein’s would have been over $100 easily. The Harbor Freight cutters mutilated the wire rope and I had to give up. I ended up hacksawing and using end nippers to work my way through.
I literally wanted to drive to China and hit someone over the head with their junk !
Lesson learned.
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Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
I always carry one with me, even here in the house. It goes in my pocket when my pants go on.

Same here. Given to me as a gift from my son over 30 years ago. Lost it once after cleaning some pheasant; went back the next weekend and found it. It is the one I was interrogated before it was returned.


This place has some nice stuff. Bought the one below this spring, had a 50% discount code they gave me since they could not supply a belt clip I lost for one of theirs I bought in Jackson WY in the 90's. I don't think either one is nj legal :smug:

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Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
I have a Victorinox Multitool and have wore out two cases with it.The bottoms of the case wear through till the inife will fall out. I have tried to find another case for it and the only place I can find to irder one is from Switzerland.I couldn't even imagine the price of that.I have had to stick the tool in the cabinet,I cannot carry it without a case.I used it (mainly the saw) to create my first working bow drill set.The saw rocks for notch carving. The took appears to be indestructible but the cases are trash


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
Same here. Given to me as a gift from my son over 30 years ago. Lost it once after cleaning some pheasant; went back the next weekend and found it. It is the one I was interrogated before it was returned.

This place has some nice stuff. Bought the one below this spring, had a 50% discount code they gave me since they could not supply a belt clip I lost for one of theirs I bought in Jackson WY in the 90's. I don't think either one is nj legal :smug:

I have the CRKT deer hoist. Made in China, sadly but still better than most similar products on the market. The block and tackle with the cam lock works really well and I can handle deer by myself very easily. I used to have just a simple pulley and rope hanging from the garage ceiling joists. I would struggle to bet bigger deer off the floor and get the rope cleated off without letting it drop.


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
I have a Victorinox Multitool and have wore out two cases with it.The bottoms of the case wear through till the inife will fall out. I have tried to find another case for it and the only place I can find to irder one is from Switzerland.I couldn't even imagine the price of that.I have had to stick the tool in the cabinet,I cannot carry it without a case.I used it (mainly the saw) to create my first working bow drill set.The saw rocks for notch carving. The took appears to be indestructible but the cases are trash
Check these out Al.
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