Trashing the pines


Mar 10, 2005
Pinewald, NJ
We with out a doubt worked our tails off on sunday. We wore the fingers off our gloves Slinging concrete. I have wanted to participate in this clean up for many years but due to work I was unable too. It felt good to get all that crap out of there.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
It was quite impressive to have one of these follow around at our feet all day. And this was the smaller of the two. The other one was massive.


Jessica on the left with Hewey, Bob hidden by the man to the right of Hewey, and Mickey from PBX on the far right. And just behind Bob you can see our very own German on the cell phone.




Feb 4, 2009
a the pines
WOW! I am so impressed with the accomplishments of those on this forum! It's obvious that you all made a huge impact on that area. Wonderful work! Gipsie and her crew worked on Saturday in Wharton and collected quite a bit too. If only the rest of the human race felt as we did..... Happy Earth Day everyone!


mudboy dave

Oct 15, 2008
WOW! I am so impressed with the accomplishments of those on this forum! It's obvious that you all made a huge impact on that area. Wonderful work! Gipsie and her crew worked on Saturday in Wharton and collected quite a bit too. If only the rest of the human race felt as we did..... Happy Earth Day everyone!


unfortunately with the new law in effect today I think the dumping in the pines is only going to get worse. Noone wants to pay a certified contractor to perform a test and have them do the work on your house. What I see happening is people still doing their own work and tearing down walls and dumping that crap in the woods. People don't realize what they do when they vote these stupid laws in. i don't need big brother looking out for my health and saftey


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
From Ocean County Public Works today:

Please be advised that the below listed tonnages and tires were disposed of or recycled during the 2010 Forked River Mt. Clean Up:

Garbage to the Landfill: 25.53 Tons

Recycled Tires: 4 Car tires and 1 Truck Tire

Recycled Concrete: 19.15 Tons


Jan 25, 2008
Browns Mills
Wish I was there,is it always done around Earth Day? On saturday I'll be helping Pemberton Clean Communities clean up in Presidential Lakes.

Pine Baron

Feb 23, 2008
Sandy Run
Excellent work, Bob. So much construction waste.... it's becoming a a huge problem, and I can see why.

For the last couple of weekends, I've been helping my brother, who lives in Medford, haul a busted up patio from his home, to the township garage on Saturday mornings. The yard is open from 7am-12pm and is ONLY for residential waste. But this time of year, you sit in line, maybe 20 mins or a half an hour before you get thru the gate. I can see where some people are going to say "the hell with this". Nobody from down this way is going to run up to Columbus, either, especially at that price.

So, where do you think it's going to end up? In the 1 million acre landfill covering southeast Jersey. Easy in... easy out. And you can't beat the price! It's plain to see that many folks are willing to do the right thing, but when is enough... enough? My township, (Winslow), recently contracted to Waste Management for waste removal. When this took place, they closed the yard and removed the dumpsters for residents to bring their bulk trash. If I didn't love the pines so much, I could say, "Hell, I'll just go dump these shingles in the woods." And, unfortunately, I'm sure that's the mind-set of some people.

If more townships don't open up their hours of operation or offer some better means of waste removal, we're going to see more and more of this kind of dumping. Isn't this one of the reasons we pay taxes? In the meantime, I reckon it's up to folks like us to keep doing the little we do, to preserve the pines we love.



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Excellent work, Bob. John-

Thanks John, you make good points. After 15 years of doing this though, we are in the maintenence mode. This Swains Bog area was unusual in that people used to live there (some without claim to the property) and the state finally told them to 'git!

Still, we do realize that we can never slack off...its a yearly deal due to the never-ending stream of dumpers. I only hope that when those of us who do this year after year finally retire from it, that other citizens pick up the slack. That is the only way it will be maintained.


Jan 2, 2003
Todays mess

Someone made a camp site by the Batona Trail behind the Carranza Memorial, at the saw mill.

A road cut in

A make shift duct tape tarp / tent.

Really poor taste in beer

Several trees just chopped dropped and left there.

This camp was not there at the end of last week

Right off of Carranza Road near the monument.

Further down the road

I'm getting really tired of seeing this stuff!

mudboy dave

Oct 15, 2008
I'm getting really tired of seeing this stuff!

I hear ya, it seems like its getting worse than ever. Do you think them trees were cut down by the state or something??? Seems like alot of trees to be cut without reson. The trash pisses me off too. I always pickup when I see a accumalation like that. I know what its like to party in the woods. I still go to bonfire parties hear and there and put a few down. /but I'm also the guy who goes out the next morning and picks up any trash that gets away.

Piney Boy

Sep 19, 2005
Williamstown, NJ
Hate to add to fuel to the fire, but on a hike from Carranza to Apple Pie two weeks ago I was filled with more anger than you could shake a stick at. Batona camp you guys have already shown, but the Hill was more trashed than I've seen it in years. At least three tv/computers were dropped from the tower, a huge burn ring filled with a variety of trash was covering a third of flat space, and the west hill was entirely covered in garbage.
Nothing personal against you 4 x 4 guys and gals, Im sure the majority of you are responsible off roaders, but we need stronger regulations on vehicles use in the Pines. I'd bet money if you kept vehicles off Apple Pie Hill you would see a huge cut back in destruction. Most dirt bags who are trashing our open spaces will not take the time and energy in hauling their garbage up the hill or into more remote locations....Just a thought

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
I'd bet money if you kept vehicles off Apple Pie Hill you would see a huge cut back in destruction.

Nope, you'd just have more people making alternate routes to get their vehicle up the mountain.

On Fischer Boulevard in Toms River there's a big plot of wooded land next to the old driving range. There's a few roads and trails that go through it. Back in the early 2000's my friends and I would party back there. Other people also hung out there and trashed up the place, rode ATV's and whatnot. Finally the county blocked the entrance with poles and metal rope.

A few weeks later someone had cut a fresh trail into the woods.

The county has now come and put a sand mountain over the road and piled up a bunch of brush as well.

I think it's a war of attrition. People aren't going to respect being kept out and they'll do whatever they can to do whatever they think is their "right." The problem is not with 4x4'ers or the State or anything like that - it's the sense of entitlement that people today walk around with. They don't care what they do, how many trees they need to cut down, as long as they can get their vehicle back into the woods.

This is the "me" generation at work, folks.

mudboy dave

Oct 15, 2008
Hate to add to fuel to the fire, but on a hike from Carranza to Apple Pie two weeks ago I was filled with more anger than you could shake a stick at. Batona camp you guys have already shown, but the Hill was more trashed than I've seen it in years. At least three tv/computers were dropped from the tower, a huge burn ring filled with a variety of trash was covering a third of flat space, and the west hill was entirely covered in garbage.
Nothing personal against you 4 x 4 guys and gals, Im sure the majority of you are responsible off roaders, but we need stronger regulations on vehicles use in the Pines. I'd bet money if you kept vehicles off Apple Pie Hill you would see a huge cut back in destruction. Most dirt bags who are trashing our open spaces will not take the time and energy in hauling their garbage up the hill or into more remote locations....Just a thought

In all honesty I think just blocking the hill off to vehicles would be the best bet. I'm hoping thats what you meant as well.

mudboy dave

Oct 15, 2008
Nope, you'd just have more people making alternate routes to get their vehicle up the mountain.

On Fischer Boulevard in Toms River there's a big plot of wooded land next to the old driving range. There's a few roads and trails that go through it. Back in the early 2000's my friends and I would party back there. Other people also hung out there and trashed up the place, rode ATV's and whatnot. Finally the county blocked the entrance with poles and metal rope.

A few weeks later someone had cut a fresh trail into the woods.

The county has now come and put a sand mountain over the road and piled up a bunch of brush as well.

I think it's a war of attrition. People aren't going to respect being kept out and they'll do whatever they can to do whatever they think is their "right." The problem is not with 4x4'ers or the State or anything like that - it's the sense of entitlement that people today walk around with. They don't care what they do, how many trees they need to cut down, as long as they can get their vehicle back into the woods.

This is the "me" generation at work, folks.

There are ways to block off traffic. I know how to do it. Most people don't realize a dirt mound or logs are just a fun obstacle for 4x4s. I just hope the day don't come where the state shguts down all vehicle traffic in the Pines. This will be the day that the pines are destroyed beyond recogniton.


Feb 18, 2008
SJ and SW FL
Nope, you'd just have more people making alternate routes to get their vehicle up the mountain.
This is the "me" generation at work, folks.

Agree with that one! I can remember in the 70s when monster trucks started making their own steep path up the hill, real close to the tower. Several rutted, steep trails were created by these trucks and really scarred the area. Later the large wooden guardrails were installed and the damaged area was then smoothed out. Now trucks are driving up and down the mountain below the tower towards the Batona and on to White Horse road.
The knocking over of trees, to me anyhow, is a fairly new thing and I hope it does not catch on.

mudboy dave

Oct 15, 2008
Hate to add to fuel to the fire, but on a hike from Carranza to Apple Pie two weeks ago I was filled with more anger than you could shake a stick at. Batona camp you guys have already shown, but the Hill was more trashed than I've seen it in years. At least three tv/computers were dropped from the tower, a huge burn ring filled with a variety of trash was covering a third of flat space, and the west hill was entirely covered in garbage.
Nothing personal against you 4 x 4 guys and gals, Im sure the majority of you are responsible off roaders, but we need stronger regulations on vehicles use in the Pines. I'd bet money if you kept vehicles off Apple Pie Hill you would see a huge cut back in destruction. Most dirt bags who are trashing our open spaces will not take the time and energy in hauling their garbage up the hill or into more remote locations....Just a thought

Oh and the trash up there has nothing to do with 4x4s I can drive a lowered car back there without a issue. The only thing to do with "4x4"s at Aplle Pie Hill is the consistent clean ups that occur out there. To tell you honestly if it wasnt for the 4x4s and Geocachers, that place would look about 100 times worse. Over the past year between the geocachers and 4x4s I have counted trashbag counts close to 100. So take them 100 bags rip em open and scatter it around and thats what you'd get if WE weren't going back there:)


Feb 18, 2008
SJ and SW FL
Oh and the trash up there has nothing to do with 4x4s I can drive a lowered car back there without a issue. .............:)

Agree with that one too! Just about any vehicle can make it to AP Hill . I even used to be able to get there on a large street bike. Lowlifes are not confined to any particular type of vehicle. And I would completly agree with closing vehicle access to this Hill, say by gating it off and making it a 200-300' walk in. It's ashamed that it has come to this but if not done, things most likely will get worse and the Hill could eventually be fenced off even to foot traffic!

mudboy dave

Oct 15, 2008
Agree with that one too! Just about any vehicle can make it to AP Hill . I even used to be able to get there on a large street bike. Lowlifes are not confined to any particular type of vehicle. And I would completly agree with closing vehicle access to this Hill, say by gating it off and making it a 200-300' walk in. It's ashamed that it has come to this but if not done, things most likely will get worse and the Hill could eventually be fenced off even to foot traffic!
Gates don't work. Dirt hills about 5 feet tall, 9 foot lengths of telephone poles buried in there standing up with 4 feet sticking out of the top.


Feb 18, 2008
SJ and SW FL
Gates don't work. Dirt hills about 5 feet tall, 9 foot lengths of telephone poles buried in there standing up with 4 feet sticking out of the top.

That would work, but could be overkill. Access would still need to be available for the fire service or other personnel using the tower professionally.