Where to buy firewood


New Member
Nov 21, 2010
Little Egg Harbor

Just moved to the Tuckerton area and have a wood burning stove. I was wondering if anyone knew a good place to buy firewood? Good seasoned firewood at a fair price..

Thank you for your help.


Sep 14, 2008
atlantic county
There are a lot of places with firewood signs on Stage Road. When I camp there, I get it from a house just before the RV campground on the same side of the road. $10 a stack and it lasts a night or two. Just take a ride out stage road and keep your eyes open for the firewood signs.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ

Just moved to the Tuckerton area and have a wood burning stove. I was wondering if anyone knew a good place to buy firewood? Good seasoned firewood at a fair price..

Thank you for your help.

For the future, the state runs the Homeowner Firewood Program at $20/cord, Bass River is included. It may be too late but it's worth a call; details at the link. For a more immediate need, check the classifieds in your local paper. From the ads I've seen, a cord is running around $120 seasoned, delivered and stacked.



Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
I cut wood on my own land because it's good exercise and is very satisfying. I also see ads like that and wonder if their definition of a cord is the same as mine - 4'x8'x4' (128 cubic feet). That's a lot of firewood; about half of what it takes to heat my home for the whole winter.

I don't understand how anybody can make money selling it for $120 when you consider the time and effort to cut, split, haul and stack. Maybe someone has insights into the economics of firewood?


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Wow. Just think how many acres you could clear-cut with one of those. Sort of doubt those are the guys putting the ads into your local paper. Even so, what do you think it costs to purchase/operate/maintain one of those? And you still need to get the trees to it, move the split wood somewhere, let it dry, deliver it. Still a lot of man-hours and fuel.

I'd be willing to bet you will get something less than a full cord for $120, and maybe it won't be so pretty. How much profit could there possibly be on a cord? $50 seems like a stretch to me. So if you sell 100 cords you make $5,000. There are better ways to make that kind of money. :)


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
Wow. Just think how many acres you could clear-cut with one of those. Sort of doubt those are the guys putting the ads into your local paper. Even so, what do you think it costs to purchase/operate/maintain one of those? And you still need to get the trees to it, move the split wood somewhere, let it dry, deliver it. Still a lot of man-hours and fuel.

I'd be willing to bet you will get something less than a full cord for $120, and maybe it won't be so pretty. How much profit could there possibly be on a cord? $50 seems like a stretch to me. So if you sell 100 cords you make $5,000. There are better ways to make that kind of money. :)

The last time I bought a cord I paid $110, all oak, seasoned and stacked. It was measured before I paid for it. Anyone that doesn't do that is a very trusting soul. Firewood sales come under the states dept of weights & measures, see the link. The fellow I bought from also ran a tree service, they get suitable wood from the jobs they do, customers pay to have it hauled away, so they are making money in all directions.



Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Well I suppose that makes sense. Would still be interesting to know the details. The family of my daughter's best friend ran a tree service in upstate NY years ago. It was really difficult, dangerous work. They did OK for themselves but certainly weren't "making money in all directions". :)


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
Well I suppose that makes sense. Would still be interesting to know the details. The family of my daughter's best friend ran a tree service in upstate NY years ago. It was really difficult, dangerous work. They did OK for themselves but certainly weren't "making money in all directions". :)

Isn't that the truth. I had to have someone take down 14 red pine that were too close to our cabin for my peace of mind. One old-timer did the work and charged what one tree would cost down here. He also cut and stacked all that he cut. If it weren't for the winters I'd be living there today.

I just finished splitting about a qtr cord of apple. Even with my handy dandy electric splitter from Harbor Freight its a chore, but the weathers perfect for it, especially with that big storm on the horizon.


Jun 17, 2007
Long Valley, NJ
The last time I bought a cord I paid $110, all oak, seasoned and stacked. It was measured before I paid for it. Anyone that doesn't do that is a very trusting soul. Firewood sales come under the states dept of weights & measures, see the link. The fellow I bought from also ran a tree service, they get suitable wood from the jobs they do, customers pay to have it hauled away, so they are making money in all directions.


There's cords, and there's face cords, is my understanding. A cord is 4' wide, face cord is 2' wide. The stuff they deliver to residences is almost always a face cord.


Wiki says that a face cord is 16" deep. Another site said it varies with the cutter. I always thought it was 24".


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
There's cords, and there's face cords, is my understanding. A cord is 4' wide, face cord is 2' wide. The stuff they deliver to residences is almost always a face cord.

From the weights and measures site;

"2. It is unlawful for a seller of firewood to advertise or sell firewood by terms such as "face cord," "rack," "pile," "truckload," etc."

Sure it's done, but the buyer is probably paying too much.


Jan 2, 2003
A friend of mine bought a "chord" of wood and when it was delivered he thought he was shorted. He called Weights and Measures, they came out and made the seller provide a full chord.


Jun 17, 2007
Long Valley, NJ
From the weights and measures site;

"2. It is unlawful for a seller of firewood to advertise or sell firewood by terms such as "face cord," "rack," "pile," "truckload," etc."

Sure it's done, but the buyer is probably paying too much.

Well, my first exposure to the difference between a face and a full cord was like 40 years ago, and I thought it was a common practice at that time.