April Fools


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Ben, I was out tonite and just saw the April Fools joke. This is absolutely hilarious! What a stroke of genius, you are very creative! I wish I had thought of it..........

PS: Jeff, whaddaya think, right on target, right? Be a sport, you gotta admit its damn jolly good fun!


Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
Well, it's 11:16 PM now so April 1 is almost over. The main page is back up to it's non-funny self.

I guess it was funny since 3 new people signed up today. The site has been getting a surge of new visitors recently.


Too bad it won't be up longer. As I said on another thread, I loved it. I didn't realize it was for April Fools. I thought it was just a joke. I wanted to show it to others.

That certainly would get someone's attention. I was half asleep, as I am now, and I appreciated it but may not have taken it all in. I went to Norristown and to York, Pa, a long drive, on business. I finally finished my work in York. It was just too far and the working conditions were nerve wracking. Earlier tonight, I couldn't get online. I called Verizon three times. The first time, I used the phone line I use to go online, and the technical assistant said to restart the computer. It didn't work, and the seond person was an idiot. Unable to solve the problem, she told me I have to get the manufacturer to remove the internal modem. She kept brushing aside my question as to why I've been connecting to the Internet and having an internal and external (which I use). I hung up on her and called back. I think I got the same guy I had the first time, who had me change a few things and got me back online.