Beer (again)

Mar 10, 2008
Yo Craig! Good to see you here. Did you send me some bottles of your newly brewed IPA yet?

Not yet. It's dry hopping in the secondary with an ounce of palisades and an ounce of challenger hops. I should bottle it tonight and have it in the mail before the end of the week, along with those rocks from ONF. Last time I checked the gravity it was about 1.014, giving it an ABV of about 6.5%. It was nice and bitter when I transferred it, but not much nose to it, hopefully the dry hopping will take care of it. We should do a forum brew day this summer.
Apr 6, 2004
craig said:
We should do a forum brew day this summer.

That's an idea. Do you know when you will be around these parts this summer? We have a decent amount of fine beer drinkers who post on this site who might be game. I think a few of them are home brewers themselves, including Russel Juelg of the PPA who has expressed his interest in brewing with treated cedar water. Ah, beer and the Pines truly are a wonderful blend.
Nov 12, 2007
atlantic county
3000 miles away is too far

Not yet. It's dry hopping in the secondary with an ounce of palisades and an ounce of challenger hops. I should bottle it tonight and have it in the mail before the end of the week, along with those rocks from ONF. Last time I checked the gravity it was about 1.014, giving it an ABV of about 6.5%. It was nice and bitter when I transferred it, but not much nose to it, hopefully the dry hopping will take care of it. We should do a forum brew day this summer.

craig i met you over christmas break your awesome and i hope you visit soon so i get to sample tasty beverages with you and gabe !! :)
Mar 10, 2008
Well I bottled the IPA tonight and it should be in the mail by friday. Don't let gabe drink it all, as he usually does, there's one for you too. I'm also throwing in some cool rocks for you guys I found in the olympic national forest last weekend.


Jan 19, 2005
Bristol, PA
Let's see now, 104 replies and 1,133 views! By golly, I'm beginning to think that there is some serious interest in beer around this neighborhood!
Mar 10, 2008
Do people remember heavyweight brewing? Vineland, I think? Good stuff, I should have cellared some while I had the chance.


New Member
Dec 11, 2007
Do people remember heavyweight brewing? Vineland, I think? Good stuff, I should have cellared some while I had the chance.
Ocean Township, central Jersey, closed down about 2 years ago. Lunacy Ale would have been one for Bob to try.

Bob, why not look at the micro pilsners? Sunshine Pils from Troeggs in Harrisburg would be one to taste, though it may be a bit hoppy for your liking.


Mar 9, 2005
Haddonfield, NJ
The bar at Atco Raceway now carries Pabst Blue Ribbon. We were asked about it so many times. It amazes me how many people drink that stuff. Okay, I'll admit, I drink it at times as well. :guinness:

Medford Piney

Feb 25, 2008
My favorite "drinking" beer, when you just want to throw a bunch down with a freind or 2... Taste is above average for an American Lager and the price is the best feature..... $12.99 for a 30 pack


When I'm sitting at a bar 8 times out of 10 I order a pint of Guiness :guinness:, the other 2 times if I want a 'light' beer I drink Yeugling for fridge beer at home lately it's been Molson Canadians.
Apr 6, 2004
BEHR said:
I'm not a fan of Budwieser but I've noticed they are now advertising it as "The Great American Lager". I never even knew it was a lager.

Buttwiper = chemical preservatives + stale hops + rice +over-carbonation to mask the piss-like taste. Hell, I can't in good conscience even call it a beer. I imagine that when Anheuser and Busch came to the States from Germany all those years back, they brought with them some good recipes for some fine lagers. Things have changed since then. Ok, things have completely changed since then.