Beer (again)


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I drink it every morning. Once I stopped for a few months and ended up with a kidney stone. The PBX shirt is a nice touch. Does the album have a N.J. connection?

Yes it does have a NJ connection.



Jan 25, 2008
Browns Mills
I had to use Google for this one. It's music from peach pickers (if you recall what the area looked like when they were making music).


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
When I was in High School at Lenape around 1971, they had a day called “Give a Dam Day” when there were various entertainment throughout the day. This group gave a concert in the auditorium that I was able to attend, and they were quite good live. I remember there was an old man who had made it into the school and he was sitting right in front of me. It was standing, or I should say sitting room only in the aisle so nobody could get in or out while they played. So I was surprised when all of a sudden a very large man leaned onto me from behind and grabbed onto the man in front of me. A slight struggle and he was semi dragged out by a Medford Cop.

This band was an opening act for many popular bands in the late 60’s and early 70’s. They owned a house on Moorestown-Mount Laurel Road in Mt. Laurel which they called Crystal Mansion. They used the mansion as a recording studio and moved out in the mid to late 70’s. By the 80’s the house had been heavily vandalized, and in January of 1982 the Mansion burned down by an arsonist. The neighbors heard “swishing” sounds leading the police to believe it was gasoline that was used.

In June of 1990 the 44 year old drummer, Richard Moehrie from Levittown died after a lengthy illness. He was a Vietnam War Veteran from Sunland California who had worked in Hollywood and various other places there. His parents lived in Hammonton.

My moms neighbor had a massive painting painted for them of that Mansion which hung on their wall for years. The woman who painted it also painted murals in the McDonalds on Route 72 just before LBI. This was 30 years ago so that McDonalds may not even be there now. I went in there often years ago and always was impressed with her work.



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Good story Guy.

It's interesting to visit the past. I think of how 15 years ago is a long time, but then I think.."hey, that was only 1994, that seems like just a few years ago".


Jan 25, 2008
Browns Mills
Guy, Did any other members of the group come from this area? I'm going to ask my boss about them and if he has any recollections. He graduated from Lenape in 1972 and has relatives on Moorestown- Mt. Laurel rd. Was the painting in McDonalds done in a Grandma Moses style?


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Guy, Did any other members of the group come from this area? I'm going to ask my boss about them and if he has any recollections. He graduated from Lenape in 1972 and has relatives on Moorestown- Mt. Laurel rd. Was the painting in McDonalds done in a Grandma Moses style?

I don't know much about the rest of the group. I remember hearing while in the auditorium at school that since they were from the area they had promised to perform when they got the chance, and they did. I would assume some students there knew them well or were related to them.

I wish I knew what the Grandma Moses stye is. All I can say is she painted murals all over the inside of the store.

Sorry I can't be more help.



Jan 30, 2009
Bamber Lake
Ahh laddies.. this be the month for Irish celebration. Have to get in the spirit with the Guiness and whiskeys. The guiness has been flowing smoothly at our house. We also tried a six of Ipswich Oatmean Stout from Mass. It was ok, but I wouldnt buy it again. Doesnt come close to a Sammy Smith.


Jan 30, 2009
Bamber Lake
I am never a nit picker when it comes to spelling, however that nectar that lubricates the hinges of St James gate in Dublin is dear to my heart. Please give that noble drink the second "N" it deserves. GUINNESS!!!! 'Sláinte!!

Saint Patrick was a gentleman,
Who through strategy and stealth,
Drove all the snakes from Ireland,
Here’s a toasting to his health.
But not too many toastings
Lest you lose yourself and then
Forget the good Saint Patrick
And see all those snakes again.
'Beannachtam na Feile Padraig!'
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

My bad.. that was early this morning. Since we are nit picking now, than you should know St Patrick had nothing to do with snakes. He brought Christainity from England to Ireland. Most people in Ireland dont even go out to the pubs because its more of a church day. I know what I'll be doing though.


Sep 14, 2008
Cinnaminson, NJ
I had a pretty good beer this weekend. It's Wachussetts Blueberry beer. A friend of mine bought some in MA. a few weekends ago and brought some over to the house. Tasted really good and smooth, not overly blueberry flavored, just right. I think you can get it at Canals.


Jan 30, 2009
Bamber Lake
I didn't compose the toast just passed it on in the spirit of the day. I am well aware of the legacy and legends of St Patrick and the folk stories that surround him vs. the history of the real man. Just as the leprechan avatar you have is part of the folk tradition and that the wee folk don't really exist.

That leprechaun is real. He lives down the road from me in a small patch of forest.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
I had a pretty good beer this weekend. It's Wachussetts Blueberry beer. A friend of mine bought some in MA. a few weekends ago and brought some over to the house. Tasted really good and smooth, not overly blueberry flavored, just right. I think you can get it at Canals.

I tried Sam Adam's Blackberry witbeir tonite. I am not crazy about it, but its interesting.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Beer Bridge

It might be fun for those of us who like sampling beers to meet at a bridge deep in the pines to catch the warm summer eve, like on June 20th, at about 7:00 PM. We can swap ice cold beers, drink a couple, shoot the bull, and leave for home with something new for the fridge.


Mar 28, 2005
Berlin Twp
It might be fun for those of us who like sampling beers to meet at a bridge deep in the pines to catch the warm summer eve, like on June 20th, at about 7:00 PM. We can swap ice cold beers, drink a couple, shoot the bull, and leave for home with something new for the fridge.

Any particular bridge(s) you thinking of Bob?

It would only be natural for a few grills to find their way out of trunks and/or truck beds have a nice dog or two.