Cherry Hill deer hunt plan raises hackles


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
"The deer will be in my backyard staring at me and they've been getting aggressive now. They make this hissing sound, this growling. They act like they pretty much own the place."

LOL! Bambi the killer deer!


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
When deer start growling I am hanging up my gun or puttin' away the homemade wine! :eek:
Another scary distortion and misstatement of fact in the article is that "buckshot only travels 150 feet "
Where the hell did Platt grow up ? Let me guess, Cherry Hill ?
Buckshot will travel nearly a mile with the proper angle of trajectory and is devastatingly lethal at up to 100 yds. yds. (300') and will injure at greater ranges than 100 yds.
I would love to get in on this hunt but they said in yesterday's Courier that they were only going to let retired police officers do the shooting.
No offense but I have met a few police officers that only shoot enough to satisfy their minimum requirements each year and they are not exactly sharpshooters when it comes to longarms.
These whiners should take a deep breath and be thankful that they have the opportunity to interact with deer or any other wildlife in the middle of the major cluster _ known as Cherry Hill.


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
Those Damn hissing, Growling deer. Walking around like they own the place. Next thing you know they're gonna start moving into Camden and prancing around with they're leather jackets and switchblades! Who do they think they are?

1200 is kind of large for a single herd isn't it?

Broke Jeep Joe

Mar 8, 2006
Waterford Twp
I guess anything's possible, but 1200 seems excessive especially in a residential area such as this. I have to agree with Redneck on the buckshot deal, they need to do a little more research there. I also agree with him on the police and shooting statement. I have a few friends that are cops and they are very accurate with a sidearm, but as far as shooting longarms ( skeet, trap or sporting clays) I can just about outscore them anytime, not that I am claiming to be an expert or anything, just a guy that's been shooting and hunting for a while. A final statement I have to add about the animal activist guy, It's better to thin the herd with a controlled hunt such as this than it would be to thin the herd with BMW's, Benz's and the like.

Just my .02