Facebook Too Big?


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
I'm picturing all of you as old men (and women) sitting on a porch in your rocking chairs complaining about "young kids these days."

Well you got the porch and the old man part right, but I don't have a rocking chair (should get one :) ). But I leave the "complaining about young kids" part to someone else. However, I am a believer in anti-social networks. :D

And seriously, I spend an awful lot of hours starting at a computer screen already. I don't need yet another thing to keep me planted there.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
I am so glad that I no longer have to go into that cesspool called Philadelphia. Two months after I left my job last spring there was a big flash mob incident just half a block from my old office that got a lot of coverage on the national news. This is certainly a fine use for social networking.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
they have a page for old Millbillies too,my graduating year has a page as well as on old elementary school I went to that has been torn down,there were mega posts on both for awhile,now they have died down.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Well, so much for Apple's Safari being the most secure browser. Google and other major companies have found a way to circumvent your privacy settings. http://www.businessinsider.com/google-tracking-apple-users-2012-2

Google has been "tricking" Apple's Safari browser into letting Google monitor Apple users' web-surfing behavior, the WSJ reports--even users who want this kind of tracking to be blocked.

According to the story that broke in the Wall Street Journal

Google's tracking of Safari users traces its roots to Google's competition with social-network giant Facebook Inc. After Facebook launched its "like" button [..] Google followed with a "+1" button.

But Google faced a problem: safari blocks most tracking by default. So Google couldn't use the most common technique - installation of a small file known as a "cookie"...

See all the great things that social networking brings us? It has nothing to do with keeping in touch with your high school buddies. It's a way to build a profile of your personal habits and preferences, then sell that data to advertisers. Lots of big $$$ are in play here. Nevertheless, it's everywhere, so if you use the internet you just have to accept this.

Take a moment of silence now and thank Ben for running this great site without any advertising. Now that I think of it, this is the only site I regularly use that is ad-free.
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Take a moment of silence now and thank Ben for running this great site without any advertising. Now that I think of it, this is the only site I regularly use that is ad-free.

Well said Boyd!



Jan 16, 2008
Port Charlotte, Fl.
Facebook still gives me the pleasure of staying in contact with family and I also enjoy being "found" by friends from my past but along with that there are always the negatives. Family will post pics that yes, I am old enough to laugh at them but I still don't want them out there for the world's consumption. I've said things that I regret. Things that I would have normally thought through but didn't and suddenly they are out there, in public.
Overall, I think Facebook is what you let it become. I have times when it's fun and I have shut it down as well. It's up to each person, just like this site is whatever you want to take or give to it.
Jul 12, 2006
Gloucester City, NJ
There was an article on MSNBC, I believe, the other day that told of some idiot that used FB to get out of a jury trial. Something along the lines of he tried to be friends with the person who was going to be on trial, so he could tell the judge that he "knew" the person. Problem is, he bragged about this on his FB page and the judge read it. Judge put him in jail for 3-days for contempt :).


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
I'm moving closer to it boys. I'm enjoying the anonymity right now, but can see where seeing some old friends would spice up my life a tad. Should I go on, the disease is reversible, right?


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Bob you can delete your account at anytime but they will save your info if you ever want to renew.You can write them personally and tell them you want them to delete your account totally and supposedly they will.If you get friends and they start irritating you with the stuff they put on there you can block their stuff without unfriending them so as not to upset them. I really hate the way facebook is designed and they get stupider all the time but It is a convenient way to stay in touch and find old friends.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I'm moving closer to it boys. I'm enjoying the anonymity right now, but can see where seeing some old friends would spice up my life a tad. Should I go on, the disease is reversible, right?

Every person I know of who met old friends on Facebook had nothing but problems.

Jul 12, 2006
Gloucester City, NJ
Here's my take. If I've been without communications to "friends" for a long time prior to FB, what makes me think I'd be interested in making contact with them now? In my 50+ years, the folks I've wanted to keep track of, I have, without any social media tools, unless you count the phone or pen and paper. If I've not spoken or cared about them all that time, why jump onto the social media bandwagon for that?

That's just me, however I learned throughout my life, that I seem to march to the beat of a different drum anyway.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I agree completely Nascar. On a different subject, a little wet today? :) Jessica was/is annoyed.



Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Here's my take. If I've been without communications to "friends" for a long time prior to FB, what makes me think I'd be interested in making contact with them now? In my 50+ years, the folks I've wanted to keep track of, I have, without any social media tools, unless you count the phone or pen and paper. If I've not spoken or cared about them all that time, why jump onto the social media bandwagon for that?

That's just me, however I learned throughout my life, that I seem to march to the beat of a different drum anyway.
for the most part this is true.I have noticed I had a different tune too as you and Thoreau do/did but it grew even more noticeable as I aged my firends then became even more apart from me but I actually found a friend that I made maybe four years ago i worked with and after I got laid off at my old job and then it folded he being a truck driver got his lay off later then I did and he moved to florida where he had lived in the past and got a good job down there but since I never went back to work i lost touch with him.He found me on facebook and I'm glad he did but we were inseperable at work when we were both there,he being on the road most of the time.Then again were both the same age and even though we knew each other in school were never really acquainted till we worked together as grownups.We still don't talk much because we are neither one great typists but around election day we always jaw a bit because in matters of politics and religion we see eye to eye:)


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Hmmm. I'll put it off some more! That's one good think about not going on...being able to say you never did! And as you say, no troubles you might have if you do.