First Aid Kits


Jul 19, 2006
I was wondering what everyone drags along with them in the outdoors. I use to carry everything but the kitchen sink now I carry duct tape and tweezers and thats about it.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
I always forget the first aid kit. Actually, I lost it.

But I never leave without water, the compass in case GPS fails, and matches or a lighter (in case I forget them, which is rare).

Truth is, I may think I am a big bad-ass survivor type, but not so. I know how to get out of the woods, my downfall will be heat exhaustion some day while walking out.


Feb 24, 2006
Fredericksburg VA
You don't need all that first aid junk...unless you are going to get sick or injured,but who ever plans to do that. My summer backpack with 4 days worth of food weighs 20 pounds and that includes a 10 ounce first aid kit. Have you ever walked 12 miles with a sever case of diarrhea? How about a sprained ankle? Or been kept up all night with congestion and a post nasal drip cough? I guess it depends on how comfortable you want to be. Would you want to cover a serious laceration with duct tape and then walk for hours?
I also include some survival items like water purification tabs , fire starter,a small led light,emergency blanket and a whistle with a compass on it. I keep this kit with me in a waist pack along with a knife and some cliff bars if I go for a walk around camp.Better woodsmen than me have gotten into trouble in unexpected circumstances. I also get headaches occasionally and indigestion so I carry some motrin and pepto tablets.

Piney Boy

Sep 19, 2005
Williamstown, NJ
grendel said:
You don't need all that first aid junk...unless you are going to get sick or injured,but who ever plans to do that. My summer backpack with 4 days worth of food weighs 20 pounds and that includes a 10 ounce first aid kit. Have you ever walked 12 miles with a sever case of diarrhea? How about a sprained ankle? Or been kept up all night with congestion and a post nasal drip cough? I guess it depends on how comfortable you want to be. Would you want to cover a serious laceration with duct tape and then walk for hours?
I agree 100%. The first time I decided to go without a well rounded first aid kit I needed a bandage, pain killer, and a cut cleaner. I didn't have any and really suffered for it, but I guess I learned a lesson of sorts. I count lbs., but dont skimp on necessaries. I always carry firestarts, an emergency blanket, advil, 2 sizes of bandaid/bandages, neosporin, and a whistle. I wouldn't undertake a trek without this stuff these days.


Jul 19, 2006
I know with me that over the counter pills do nothing when I feel ill....
Duct tape works better than moleskin and I have used it as a band aid several times....It also does a great job of holding my current trail runners together.......


New Member
Apr 5, 2006
Bellmawr, NJ
But I never leave without water, the compass in case GPS fails, and matches or a lighter (in case I forget them, which is rare).

same here + benodryl (for allergic reactions) and a small flash light.

Sue Gremlin

Sep 13, 2005
Vicksburg, Michigan
Duct tape. What a GREAT idea. That's going in the Jeep. This is why I read this forum. Such a big bunch of smarties. :)

We have a first aid kit with the standard first aid kit things, plus lots of OTC drugs and a long hemostat. We pick that thing up a lot, it's a handy tool, first aid or not.