For the hunters


Aug 12, 2005
camden county
Just wondering how many points would a quality buck have, something hunters would get excited about. I was in a woods in haddonfield a week or so ago, and saw a half dozen bucks together. One of the bucks was at least a 8 point, was a big healthy looking deer. Just wondering how many points is good for new jersey.


Apr 2, 2005
Little Egg Harbor
The bucks are indeed in velvet now, and an 8 pointer would most likely be considered a nice buck. But several factors beyond the mere number of points go into judging a rack, such as the symmetry of the individual antlers and their points, and the overall size. As for me, I'm not a trophy hunter and was never over-impressed by points, since you can't eat them. I hunt for the same reason I fish, crab, clam and grow my own veggies... the sense of self sufficiency and closeness to the land it provides me.

Of course, my heart does pound just a wee bit faster when a nice buck is making its way towards me during hunting season. :)


Dec 7, 2005
Medford, NJ
buck age

Not sure how this one would rate... but ever since my field cam got this shot I've been wondering how old this beautiful animal was...? Any guess?



Dec 7, 2005
Medford, NJ
Leaf River Cam

Field cam?

Yes, the pic was taken with a Leaf River camera tied to a tree in my backyard. I'm not a hunter, I bought the camera to see what made a large hole in my yard, thought it might be a fox - but never did find out. Now I just use the camera to see what wonders bye mostly deer, occasional turkey, etc.


Apr 21, 2005
Not sure how this one would rate... but ever since my field cam got this shot I've been wondering how old this beautiful animal was...? Any guess?

I harvested a buck last year that could be this one's twin. I was very excited (as most hunters I know would be). While it is not one for the record books, it would certainly get most hunters heart beating a little faster if they saw it strolling up to their stand. Very few people I know would pass up the shot. The rack on your 8 pointer looks to be perfectly symetric. If you were to look at this buck broadside, each of the far side points would dissappear behind the near side ones. Really cool to see!

Most hunters talk about a deer as being 1-1/2, 2-1/2, 3-1/2, etc. years old. That is because they are usually born in the spring and harvested in the winter. The age of deer is usually determined by removing and examining a tooth. If I had to guess, I would suppose this buck is a 2 year old. Of course I am just guessing. It is my understanding that bucks rarely make it 3-5 years. However, I have heard that a tagged doe was once determine to be nearly 20 years old.

I would love to hear other opinions. I only consider myself informed - not an expert.


Sue Gremlin

Sep 13, 2005
Vicksburg, Michigan
I think deer, like cattle, could live 20 years or more if fed and housed properly. I'd guess they'd live a whole lot longer in captivity. They're pretty rugged critters.


Jan 23, 2007
That is a nice eight pointer. A good rule of thumb in NJ is if the rack is as wide as the ears, or wider, it is a good buck and worth taking. Most hunters looking for a buck will take a big 6 pointer or small 8 pointer. That buck just meets the test. It is not easy to find bigger deer in the pines.

I have never found shed antlers or a full buck skull, though my neighbor's dog brought back a nice 7 point rack.

As for the old deer, I know that a tagged deer somewhere in the pines was found at over 20 years old. I don't remember where I read that, though I though it was in the NJ Fish and Wildlife Hunter Digest. I would bet that there are some old does and bucks nearly that old in the deepest forests. Most hunters are too lazy to go after them and prefer to hunt within a few hundred yards of the road, pushing the smart deer even deeper. Even if they go deep, the smart ones know how to hide.

wis bang

Jun 24, 2004
East Windsor
I'll say 1.5 to 2.5 yrs. anything older would have larger G1 & G2 tines sticking up maybe twice as far as his do.

More mature deer seem to have a wider and shorter muzzle. Once you see that it's hard to miss.


Mar 10, 2005
Pinewald, NJ
I saw a buck on sunday evening in miller air park inside the airport that has a 8' fence going all away around it, off limit to hunting, this buck was an absolute monster, I would put my money down that he is one of the biggest racked deer in nj. he must live inside the airport in total protection and will most likley die of old age. I went out the last few evenings with camera in hand to try and get some shots.

wis bang

Jun 24, 2004
East Windsor
I saw a buck on sunday evening in miller air park inside the airport that has a 8' fence going all away around it, off limit to hunting, this buck was an absolute monster, I would put my money down that he is one of the biggest racked deer in nj. he must live inside the airport in total protection and will most likley die of old age. I went out the last few evenings with camera in hand to try and get some shots.

That 8 foot fence won't stop him if he WANTS to leave...With the right motivation a deer can easily clear 8 feet...

PA DCNR was building deer exclosures to allow forest regeneration w/ out too much browsing by the deer population. They placed gates made of orange painted rebar & hinged at the top for access to any hunters that want to hunt inside the fence. They used (2) sections of fence hog-ringed together and burried 12" into the ground and the deer still get into them...Intresting to see the difference in growth as the outer edge is eaten down and anthing they can reach through the fence is chewed off too!


Mar 10, 2005
Pinewald, NJ
I have seen deer clear 6' fence before, this fence also has barbed wire on top, close to another 2' added to the 8' chain link, all away around on top I am not shure. no doubt a deer could clear a 8' fence if he wanted to, he may not though living in a sanctuary environment. maybe during the rut he would get the urge to leave catching the scent of an esterous doe out side the fence. the surounding woods get pounded during deer week from the clubs doing drives and hunted hard during the other seasons, he may of made it in there as a young buck and didn't want out. any how he still left me in awe.