Great Swamp Branch & Nescohague Creek, A PBX Hike


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Glad you like the close-up of the turtle. I am working on a way to get even closer photo's of ticks and bugs. I believe I may be on to something.

The ticks were heavy; however, I have seen worse. I don't recall any odd critters.



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
After a great barbecue, smoking that fresh Phillies Blunt you kindly gave me, sipping a cold one, and laughing with friends over the events of the day.

I ask the hell can you beat that?



Mar 9, 2007
To all you brave souls that made that hike,I offer a heart-felt thank you.I ceretainly enjoy your stories of your hikes and the pictures.I have been traveling the pine barrens for over 60 years.With 2 total knee replacements,I would not attempt to join your group.
long-a coming,you mention Bloody Bridge.Back in the 50's our motorcycle enduro guys built a bridge over a creek in that area.I was the ax-man and you could shave with my ax.We were just finishing up when I tripped on some brush.I leaned on the ax head.Wound up with a nasty gash.The other guys took me to a Doc. in Hammonton.Doc sewed me up with 5 stitch's.We named the bridge Bloody Bridge.i LOOK FORWARD TO YOUR TRIPS.tHANK yOU


Mar 28, 2005
Berlin Twp
To all you brave souls that made that hike,I offer a heart-felt thank you.I ceretainly enjoy your stories of your hikes and the pictures.I have been traveling the pine barrens for over 60 years.With 2 total knee replacements,I would not attempt to join your group.
long-a coming,you mention Bloody Bridge.Back in the 50's our motorcycle enduro guys built a bridge over a creek in that area.I was the ax-man and you could shave with my ax.We were just finishing up when I tripped on some brush.I leaned on the ax head.Wound up with a nasty gash.The other guys took me to a Doc. in Hammonton.Doc sewed me up with 5 stitch's.We named the bridge Bloody Bridge.i LOOK FORWARD TO YOUR TRIPS.tHANK yOU

I love hearing your stories about the woods Bill. When we were at the bridge, Guy and Scott told me it was named Bloody Bridge. The remnants of the bridge (burned) were a short distance away. I'll be returning there soon.


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
Very nice Jeff. I forgot my camera on this one. I do have some pics of the aftermath party though.
India sink was the highlight of the day for me.
I love old bogs and never get tired of marvelling at the work that went in to building them. There was a manmade berm around the entire perimeter.
Here it is in 1881.
Compliments to Ben for installing the Cook collection of maps.

I love those old bogs also. I love the way nature reclaims them, and, as in this case, finding the evidence of man made influence. There is a bog of similar vintage near my house. It was very small and ran right along the batsto. I took a hike back there last fall. Very cool. You know, I'll go do a trip report on that if I can find the pictures and link it here. Here you go:



Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery

You additions do a nice job showing that we were in water quite a bit early on. Something that my photo’s did not show. Very nice!

Scott and I are fascinated by India Sink, and I am certain Jeff was also. It was really flooded to the point it was over Jessica’s boots so she waded through it almost up to her knees. This photo showing our tracks tells us we actually walked in an area that most of the time must be dry.


And unfortunately it also is a favorite of ATV users. We could see where they were accessing it in a couple places.



I remember looking back at Jessica and seeing her up to here knees and thinking "Wow, she really is a trooper" Honestly, I don't know how she does it. She is one tough cookie.

Also, looking at the ATV tracks on the birds eye photo...I think the evidence there points to a single ATV rider on one occasion. There does not seem to be evidence of tracks of different ages, and the only tracks are exactly the same width with little overlap. If there were two riders it wouldn't look like that. This might have been a one instance situation. I could be wrong. Could be an alien crop circles type thing.



Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
Tonight for a change of pace, instead of doing my nightly 3 mile walk in the woods where I live, I decided to revisit a portion of the woods from this 2009 PBX hike.
I ditched my truck just off 206 right after work and walked past the Plowboy and up to the India Sink waypoints.

It was a beautiful night with a warm light breeze and I was greeted by the first few deer flies of the season. They seemed content with buzzing me and not biting as of yet.
The woods were fragrant with new growth and the wetlands were alive with frogs.
The sounds of 206 faded gradually and I came upon a turtle laying eggs in the middle of the road.
She was covered with mosquitoes. They were all over the shell and hovered in a cloud around her.
I can't imagine what kind of a blood meal they could get from a turtle.

Plowboy was alive with frog sound as was India Sink but all sounded like bullfrogs and nothing fancier.

After an hour long loop, I emerged back at the highway for the quick ride home. I was pulling ticks and shifting gears all the way.

I really appreciate living in the pines and nights like tonight make me appreciate it even more.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Tonight for a change of pace, instead of doing my nightly 3 mile walk in the woods where I live, I decided to revisit a portion of the woods from this 2009 PBX hike.
I ditched my truck just off 206 right after work and walked past the Plowboy and up to the India Sink waypoints.

It was a beautiful night with a warm light breeze and I was greeted by the first few deer flies of the season. They seemed content with buzzing me and not biting as of yet.
The woods were fragrant with new growth and the wetlands were alive with frogs.
The sounds of 206 faded gradually and I came upon a turtle laying eggs in the middle of the road.
She was covered with mosquitoes. They were all over the shell and hovered in a cloud around her.
I can't imagine what kind of a blood meal they could get from a turtle.

Plowboy was alive with frog sound as was India Sink but all sounded like bullfrogs and nothing fancier.

After an hour long loop, I emerged back at the highway for the quick ride home. I was pulling ticks and shifting gears all the way.

I really appreciate living in the pines and nights like tonight make me appreciate it even more.


Nice to hear you did this, and thank you for posting about it. Best thing I heard all day.



Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
I have often seen clouds of skeeters hovering around turtles and wondered the same.they must have a shot at blood or you'd think they'd go away.then again they have brains the size of an amoeba/


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
I have been somewhat enamored with this area lately and have been walking the trek to Bob's waypoint India Sink from 206 for the last 4 weeks in a row, usually on a Wednesday night.
The deer flies are now enough to make you suicidal but with plenty of 25% deet Deepwoods aftershave I am off to the races.

The first few weeks showed a lot of water still in the woods and a few spots we had been to on our 2009 hike were completely underwater.
Tonight however, the low spots are starting to dry out and evidence of truck damage in areaas where no vehicle belongs is coming to light.
We had noted before the heavy truck and ATV damage that could be seen on Bing maps and I tracked down the entry points tonight. The pictures appear elsewher in this thread.
This is at the waypoint plowboy and the tire tracks from last season are staring to surface.
If anyone doubts the value of these mudholes, I flushed a whole young family of mallards and a wood duck out of this hole on my walk up to the spot. Two weeks ago it was screaming with frogs.


At Inda Sink I found a 20' wide road cut through the woods to the waters edge.


The blueberries are really coming in strong and by next week, I will be bringing a sald bowl to collect them.


The gold at the end of the rainbow.


Time to start applying some cedar tannins to the beard me thinks.


The flies are almost enough to keep me out of the woods this time of year but the peacefulness and beauty keep me coming back.

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
The flies are almost enough to keep me out of the woods this time of year but the peacefulness and beauty keep me coming back.

Flies and mosquitos are enough to keep me out of the woods. I was in my driveway for 5 minutes yesterday and there were a ton of skeeters hovering around me.

Winter and spring have to be the best times to explore. No bugs. The fall is ruined by the chiggers.


Mar 10, 2005
Pinewald, NJ
Looks like a good time Scott, minus the bugs.

I went out for a ride yesterday evening through some local woods and the pine flies were swarming around my truck like a blood thirsty cloud!



Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
I did the walk again last night back to the old bog and I was treated to several choruses from Pine Barrens Tree Frogs. They were in two separate areas and pretty vocal.
The unmistakable wonka-wonka-wonka could be heard for a good distance.

The deer flies were very bad last night for some reason and I was dripping with Deep Woods Off.
The frogs and the free blueberry and huckleberry snacks along the way still make it worth the risk of fly insanity though.
Earlier in the week I fished Lock's Bridge with my son and although the flies followed the truck in clouds all the way in from 206, they weren't bad at all once we got back there.

No chiggers yet for me this year and I am in the woods nightly, most of the time in shorts. I usaully start using a little more caution in August for them.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
No chiggers yet for me this year and I am in the woods nightly, most of the time in shorts. I usaully start using a little more caution in August for them.

I was worried about them this past weekend, but we did not get them. They are about due unfortunately.



Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
No chiggers here either. I've noticed the files will be swarming around the car/truck but not so bad when you get out. The files in general have not been too bad lately. Probably too hot for them:) I once clocked green heads chasing me on my motorcycle at 28mph, around that speed I was able to distance my self from the cloud (or they got tired).
