I have no comment at this time.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
My favorite quote comes at the end of that article
Why give a ticket to someone who is just out to recreate?" Freitas said.
So in other words, you should be able to do anything you want, as long as the purpose is recreation? :confused:


Mar 9, 2005
Haddonfield, NJ
Boy another off road vehicle article. Part of the problem was that state of New Jersey promised a couple years ago they would build 2 off road parks. Part of that deal was they would be able to increase fines and such on violaters but they had to build the two parks by 2005. Well it is 2006 and they haven't built any parks but they keep the high fines in place. The only place to legally ride is Chatsworth and that facility is closing soon. If you look at the stats there are a lot of off road vehicles purchased and owned in New Jersey, where do you think they ride? Why sell them if there isn't a place to ride them? To be honest, I'm in the pines quite a bit and I don't see the acres and acres of damage that is supposedly being done. I see more damage from the huge 4wd trucks with their 44 inch tires ripping through the puddles and often driving into swamp lands. Granted horses are more natural to the environment but if I wanted to ride one in the woods I could create a trail causing damage to certain precious plants. I have riden my ATV in the pines and we stick to the roads that are currently present, if that is causing damage then my "street legal" truck causes the same damage, maybe we should ban all vehicles from state forests? But when it comes down to it, I can ride my ATV whenever I want because like a ranger once told me, "don't ever stop, because I can't catch you."


Sep 7, 2005
NEVER become so complacent as to asume you can not be caught.
Enjoy, but exercise avoidance and of course respect the environment.
Ridden properly and responsibly you will never do the damage that other mediums can cause.

g .


Mar 9, 2005
Haddonfield, NJ
You are correct, I should not say "never" get caught because I know the rangers like to set up "traps" to catch illegal riders. In all honesty I don't really ride that much in the pines anymore, but when I was a kid we rode all the time. Mainly because we lived in area that gave us easy access and nobody really cared. Just a few times a year some friends get together to go riding but only do it at one certain area that nobody ever really uses. It's just frustrating when one would like to go out and enjoy his or her ATV like they used to and no longer can for a variety of reasons. Of course total lack of respect for the environment, like riding off trails into the woods and leaving behind garbage, should not be tolerated. Just wish there was some kind of middle ground.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
One thing that you may not realize is that the noise from an ATV creates its own kind of "pollution" which can often be heard for miles in all directions. It can really spoil your quiet enjoyment of day in the pines. So one person's "recreation" can create a nuisance for dozens of other people who simply want to take a quiet walk in the woods.
Boyd said:
One thing that you may not realize is that the noise from an ATV creates its own kind of "pollution" which can often be heard for miles in all directions. It can really spoil your quiet enjoyment of day in the pines. So one person's "recreation" can create a nuisance for dozens of other people who simply want to take a quiet walk in the woods.

It may "spoil" some peoples "quiet enjoyment" but not everyone's. I don't ride but it does not bother me that others do. The noise to me is one of the sounds of the Pines. These people need a place to ride. I would venture to say that most riders respect the Pines and it's unfortunate that the ones that don't ruin it for the others.
I wouldn't be surprised if some of the same people who want to ban the ORV's own motor boats that they use in the bay. These boats tear up the vegetation on the bottom and leave oil slicks but that's OK I guess.:rolleyes: Let's restrict motor boats to their own private property only.
Shame on the state for not providing places for these people to ride.



Mar 28, 2006
jersey shore
I don't ride an ATV but it I think if the state promised a place to ride, then they should keep their promise. I have a sneaking suspicion this is more about generating revenue then protecting nature.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
The off-road park thing is a problem for the state because nobody wants it near them. I state started moving on this only to be stopped so I don't think they are totally to blame.

As for ORV riding, I am always amazed at how well nature returns back to the way it was after damage done to it by humans. I bet those people in the article would be shocked at what the pines looked like just as recent as the 40's and 50's when enduro riding was gaining in popularity in the pines. Many of the trails they made are long gone...reclaimed by nature.

So I don't have a problem with ORV riding, if they would stick to the trails. But they don't and that is where the problem lies. The FRM is an example...the side of the one hill is a disgrace. Granted, some of the damage there is by registered vehicles who's owners should be responsible for their actions.

And I have to agree with Steve that while I enjoy the quiet of the pines, the sound of ORV's are part of the experience at times. If they follow rules and they are allowed to be registered, to me they are no different than my car.

The people in the article are well meaning but semi prejudice, not seeing the complete picture. Their homes were at one time on someone's favorite quiet spot.



Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
Boy, a lot of great comments and insights here!! I've never hidden the fact I'm an avid off road motorcycle rider. One of the responsible ones of course. I won't go into it all again. but I've been a member of the PPA for years now. I became aware of this in their last news letter just after I sent in my membership fee. I will have to write them on this one and express my opinion, I am dissappointed that the PPA is being so short sighted on this issue.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
grendel said:
[ maybe we should ban all vehicles from state forests? ][

Now you're talking,one or two access roads and the rest is foot,horse, bike or paddle! Take all the atv's and ban them altogether.

You won't find me on your side then. I want to drive in them.



Feb 24, 2006
Fredericksburg VA
TeeGate said:
You won't find me on your side then. I want to drive in them.


Yea me too.just trying to stir the pot up.I like atvs and cruisin the pines ,but Wharton state forest does not need 500 miles of dirt roads. I would like to see some roads closed.The main problem is that most off road riders are not responsible.I have seen foot trails become motor bike trails which became atv trails which became jeep trails and are now passable for most vehicles.
also why is it the states responsibility to provide an atv park? The atv folks need to start an orginization and buy some land,and not expect the state to take care of them.


Feb 24, 2006
Fredericksburg VA
[QUOTE=. I have riden my ATV in the pines and we stick to the roads that are currently present, if that is causing damage then my "street legal" truck causes the same damage, maybe we should ban all vehicles from state forests?

Now you're talking,one or two access roads and the rest is foot,horse, bike or paddle! Take all the atv's and ban them altogether.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
All of the WMA's ( Greenwood Forest for example ) were purchased for the most part by hunters and other outdoor hobbyists, and I am sure they do not want to hike in or kayak in to use the property's. So just banning vehicles is irresponsible, archaic, and downright and insult to those people who have spent their hard earned money over the years.

The thought that ATV's owners should buy their own land is an interesting and at this moment a good one. I wonder why that has not happened yet? I can see them doing just that, and then somehow being stopped from riding by some legal or other reason.



Feb 24, 2006
Fredericksburg VA
[The thought that ATV's owners should buy their own land is an interesting and at this moment a good one. I wonder why that has not happened yet? I can see them doing just that, and then somehow being stopped from riding by some legal or other reason.

Insurance would get them for sure.