looking for GPS unit Recommendations


Aug 17, 2003
Delaware County Pa.
Hello everyone,
I was looking for some recommendations on a GPS unit. I don't want to break the bank just yet, so are their any good units in say the $100. to $150. range? Thanks everyone.
Jersey Jim

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I have the eTrex and it works well, and I would recommend it for your price range. It is waterproof, it floats, and it is easy to use.

Now the downside. It does not come with a cable to connect it to your computer, and you must purchase it separately. It takes a special connector which will cost you around $40.

Here is the connector I bought.


Here is the dealer I purchased the connector from.


Also, it does not come with software to download to your computer, so you will have to come up with that. I found software for my Mac for $8 but I don't know what Windows software will cost.

It also only allows you to only name a location with 6 characters when many others allow much more. So for example my names say:

Friend for Friendship
Aserda for Aserdaten
Highcr for High Crossing

If you use the "Tracks" feature it will run out of storage memory for your tracks by the end of the day. There is a way to save them, but it removes about every 4 locations so your saved tracks are not complete. But that really is a feature that you probably will never use unless you like to put your trip on a map to view where you have been.

It does not work with maps so before I head out somewhere I print out the area where I am going to be and plot the GPS coordinates of the intersections on the printed map by using Topozone.com or my personal programs that I purchased. Then I enter the coordinates which takes time. So when you are searching for a road you just look at your map and follow your GPS. Then do this for every location until you come to where you want to be. With the GPS units with a map you just follow the map on the GPS and you are there.

The one advantage to doing it my way is you are forced to learn how the GPS and it's features work.

So I would go for the Legend as Ben recommends, but remember it will cost you more for the accessories pushing your price range up.


Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
The mapping on the GPS isn't always the best. Mine, for example, doesn't have all of the Pine Barrens roads, so esentially for a lot of things I am forced to do it your way as well (waypoints for each turn).

The benefit to my GPS (Garmin GPS V) is that it does have some of the roads, and it's quite handy if you need to go somewhere on paved roads as it will give you turn by turn directions. My GPS cost $500, though. It's now down to $329.
I have the Magellan "Meridian GPS" I payed 129.00 for it. It has expandable memory(which requires a memory card at addional cost) and you can download map data and waypoints to it with the cable that comes with it. The map data that comes with it is pretty weak but but you can add to it using "MapSend Topo" which costs around 100.00 but I could help you out with that. :wink: At an additional cost you can get a craddle for the car and a power cord.
If you are really on a budget I can give you the general location of where you can find one in the Pines.


PS. When the MapSend Topo data is add it shows most of the roads in the Pines.

PPS. KenDawg switch from a Garmin to the model I have.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
BEHR655 said:
If you are really on a budget I can give you the general location of where you can find one in the Pines.

Another good one! :D


TeeGate said:
BEHR655 said:
If you are really on a budget I can give you the general location of where you can find one in the Pines.

Another good one! :D

Laughs, it wouldn't happen to be a yellow Rino 110 would it? I've lost two so far, one in the Manumuskin river and one in the Pines.

I still have one rino 110, it's not the best as far as the gps but it works for me, and I like having the radio on it. I've thought about going to a 120 but haven't seen one in my price range yet.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Jim, there are at least three GPS units well below your price range out there! :D



New Member
Gps Recommendations


check this site out. These people are good to deal with thus far. Have purchased two from here. I had the "Sportrak Map" unit prior to receiving Meridian Color as a present. This package includes the cables and mapsend topo which has all US roads and topo of all the goood stuff here in Jersey (sand roads etc.) The mapsend topo alone is $99.00

Good luck


Sep 27, 2003
"MapSend Topo" which costs around 100.00 but I could help you out with that.

Hey Behr can you hook us up with that???

Got our GPS tonight. We went with the etrex Legend. Sorry Ben but I wanted it tonight and I didn't want to wait with the shipping. When I want a new toy I want it now....lol. Looking forward to using it. We had talked to everyone about them and couldn't remember who had said what so we looked at several and we liked this one. Now got to go and play with it.


Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
It's okay - I understand the need to have it now. :)

Mapsend Topo won't work on the eTrex. It will only work on the Magellan GPSs. The eTrex doesn't do mapping anyway, so you won't be able to use Garmin's Topo maps either. (Which is fine since they're 1:10000 scale and worthless anyway.)