Magellan Explorist 300..........


Apr 14, 2005
Does anyone have any experience with the Magellan Explorist 300? It's only $200 or less and the electronics salesman recommend it. Thoughts? Thanks.


Apr 1, 2005
I personally use a Magellan Meridian Platinum, but I was looking at the 300 in the Cabelas catalog last night. It looks like a nicely featured unit. I'm considering purchasing one for my nephew to geocache with. Good Luck!
swwit said:
Does anyone have any experience with the Magellan Explorist 300? It's only $200 or less and the electronics salesman recommend it. Thoughts? Thanks.

I'm not familiar with that model but I use the Magellan Meridian and am very pleased with it. Does the explorist have expandable memory and can you load maps into it? My Maridian's base map was pretty lame and not much use in the Pines until I uploaded better map data into it.



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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
I just looked quickly on Magellan's website. The Explorist 300 is extremely limited and only has an 8MB basemap which is pretty tiny. The specs say you can't upload maps to it. So this unit would be OK for plotting a track of where you're been (sometimes called a "cookie trail") but you wouldn't see any useful maps of roads, except very major ones like the Garden State Parkway, etc.

The Explorist 400 allows you to load maps through a USB port and SD memory card and would be much better. Of course you must pay extra for the maps and decide whether you want the topo or city versions.

Look back in this forum for my impressions of the Garmin vs Magellan maps and software. I sold my Magellan Meridian Gold (to another member here!) because I like my two Garmin GPS'es much more. The Magellan's are well made and they work very well - don't get me wrong. I just like the Garmin maps and other features better. Also, consider whether it's worth the extra money for a color screen. I personally find this really worthwhile when it comes to the topo maps.


Apr 14, 2005
I'm not looking to download anything into the GPS. I'm just looking to mark locations and have a tool with a compass and can give me the temperature along with barometric pressure. Thanks.

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
swwit said:
I'm not looking to download anything into the GPS. I'm just looking to mark locations and have a tool with a compass and can give me the temperature along with barometric pressure. Thanks.

Than the Magellan Explorist 300 is exactly what you're looking for.
swwit said:
I'm not looking to download anything into the GPS. I'm just looking to mark locations and have a tool with a compass and can give me the temperature along with barometric pressure. Thanks.

Just as long as you understand that none of the roads and trails in the Pines will not be displayed, and you're ok with that, then it sounds like it's the one for you.



Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Fine, you seem to have defined your expectations. However, I'd suggest that you might think about this just a little more. Here's a link to the product on Magellan's site:

The Explorist 300 is limited in ways beyond uploading maps. It appears not to have any sort of interface at all. This means that any data you collect with it will be trapped inside and can't be exchanged with a computer. So you can't plan a route in advance and load it into the GPS. You also can't save a track or waypoints of your travels and display them overlaid on a map on your computer.

Aside from uploading actual maps to the GPS, I would consider this sort of track data exchange essential myself. I think you can get a GPS which has these features, plus the others that you want, for a similar price. You might want have a look at the Garmin eTrex line before making a final decision. I have a Legend C (which is probably more than you want to spend) but others on this site have some of the less expensive models. Here's some more info:


Apr 14, 2005
After thinking about it. I might as well go for the Magellan Explorist 600. It seems to have all the bells and whistles for just over $400.00. Thanks.


Staff member
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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
The 600 looks very nice. Just curious - have you ever looked at any of the Garmin products? In that price range you would have a number of options from both Magellan and Garmin.

Heh, heh I just had to laugh when looking at the Magellan website. One of the big "features" which they advertise on all their models is No access fees, ever. Damn, I need to switch to one of those cause my monthly GPS roaming charges are killin' me ;)


Apr 14, 2005
The no access fee's is one of the selling points that I liked most. Plus, they are small and compact. I do like the Garmin product better if I were to buy a unit for my vehicle. I guess you can't go wrong with either companies. They seem to be pretty equal.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Umm.... just to be sure we're on the same page... I was joking. Nobody anywhere has ever paid an "access fee" to use a GPS. They are only receivers which pick up signals, you're not sending anything back. So advertising a GPS with "no access fee" is like saying they won't charge you for the air that you breathe :)

If you're interested in GPS'es you might find this site interesting:


Apr 14, 2005
Actually when I went to Europe on a trip the taxi driver was talking about the unit he had and said that there was a access fee which equaled out to about 60 american dollars (one time fee). This was charged at time of purchase. Weird.