Man Goes Missing During Hunting Trip


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
I was actually a bit surprised that the "foul play" angle wasn't mentioned before, considering the amount of searching that's been done. I hope there's some resolution to this soon, for the sake of the family. This is a very sad story.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
I was actually a bit surprised that the "foul play" angle wasn't mentioned before, considering the amount of searching that's been done. I hope there's some resolution to this soon, for the sake of the family. This is a very sad story.

Another possibility is that, for whatever reason, he decided to 'disappear' on his own. It happens.

Debbie Zeldin

New Member
Oct 19, 2013
Barry was never good about going to the dentist and the one he had been to no longer exists so there are no dental records. My husband provided DNA as well as they got his DNA from toothbrushes, etc. I do believe the area has been searched quite well, however for any of you who have been there, it's very dense. We never saw any evidence of birds or anything either, so I'm just not sure he's there. Might have been taken elsewhere. I wish I knew. I'll get a FB page up and running and let you know when I do.
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Barry was never good about going to the dentist and the one he had been to no longer exists so there are no dental records. My husband provided DNA as well as they got his DNA from toothbrushes, etc. I do believe the area has been searched quite well, however for any of you who have been there, it's very dense. We never saw any evidence of birds or anything either, so I'm just not sure he's there. Might have been taken elsewhere. I wish I knew. I'll get a FB page up and running and let you know when I do.

I do admire your honesty.


New Member
Dec 3, 2013
Barry was never good about going to the dentist and the one he had been to no longer exists so there are no dental records. My husband provided DNA as well as they got his DNA from toothbrushes, etc. I do believe the area has been searched quite well, however for any of you who have been there, it's very dense. We never saw any evidence of birds or anything either, so I'm just not sure he's there. Might have been taken elsewhere. I wish I knew. I'll get a FB page up and running and let you know when I do.

The reason foul play doesn't make sense is because his belongings were left in his truck. He does not seem to be the type to walk away on his own either; I would think he would have taken his dog. The dog being left in the car along with Barry's wallet & cell makes me feel he stopped to check his tree stands & did not plan to be gone long.

No worries about the dentals. He's not the 1st that does not have them & he won't be the last. Thankfully there is DNA. Also keep in mind there are other ways to make an ID such as broken bones; matching things like ears as well as freckles.

At the bottom of my post will be a post from a bait & tackle shop owner who saw Barry the day before he disappeared. I'm going to send him here. He posted on another message board I go to.

I volunteered to run a FB page for a potential missing person's law. Link is below. Barry will be featured on it. If you get the FB page set up; feel free to PM me on the FB page. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
New Jersey for the Federal Help Find the Missing Act - Billy's Law

Surprised they have not found Barry

I have just returned from Australia. I last saw Barry the day before he disappeared. He was in my bait & tackle shop. He asked me to work In the shop this summer. He had taffy with him and told me he was celebrating his 50th wedding anniversary Victor from the Captain Robbins was there as well. This is so upsetting. He seemed in good health. I know he was an avid hunter and fisherman. I hope his family gets some sort of answer soon.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
The state police are still interested in that area. Bob and I went looking for Mr. Zeldin and when done we did a little exploring. As we rounded a curve in the road .... there was a fully uniformed State Police officer walking in the road in front of us far back in the woods. We talked a while and it is my opinion they will be searching again.


New Member
Dec 3, 2013
The reason foul play doesn't make sense is because his belongings were left in his truck. He does not seem to be the type to walk away on his own either; I would think he would have taken his dog. The dog being left in the car along with Barry's wallet & cell makes me feel he stopped to check his tree stands & did not plan to be gone long.

No worries about the dentals. He's not the 1st that does not have them & he won't be the last. Thankfully there is DNA. Also keep in mind there are other ways to make an ID such as broken bones; matching things like ears as well as freckles.

At the bottom of my post will be a post from a bait & tackle shop owner who saw Barry the day before he disappeared. I'm going to send him here. He posted on another message board I go to.

I volunteered to run a FB page for a potential missing person's law. Link is below. Barry will be featured on it. If you get the FB page set up; feel free to PM me on the FB page. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
New Jersey for the Federal Help Find the Missing Act - Billy's Law

Surprised they have not found Barry

I have just returned from Australia. I last saw Barry the day before he disappeared. He was in my bait & tackle shop. He asked me to work In the shop this summer. He had taffy with him and told me he was celebrating his 50th wedding anniversary Victor from the Captain Robbins was there as well. This is so upsetting. He seemed in good health. I know he was an avid hunter and fisherman. I hope his family gets some sort of answer soon.

Barry Zeldin The 1st missing person featured on the New Jersey for the Federal Help Find the Missing Act - Billy's Law


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
They are tough woods to get lost in or to find someone.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
They have to burn those woods with a hot fire. That should be the immediate goal, then search immediately after. This should be done in early April before the leaves start to come in.
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I am absolutely certain we don't know all of the facts. One thing I do know now makes me believe he is still in the woods. As we know he went to bait his stand and somehow either got lost, was accosted or left on his own. Last year a couple of us were told that this was not a one time occurrence. Previously, he had gone to bait his stand and became disoriented but fortunately he had his cell phone with him. He made a call and when help arrived they kept tooting a horn until he made it out to them. As we know this time his cell phone was found in the truck. One would think that if you got lost once the cell phone would be a constant companion but I am not one to talk. I get so wrapped up in what I am doing out there I routinely just get out of the car and head into the woods forgetting to take things I need or should have with me.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
He was 75 years old. It is possible, perhaps probable, he had an aging condition that disorients which had not been diagnosed. You see silver alerts almost every day. The number of people that go missing is astounding.

And, if you have nobody for backup that looks for your call everyday, your danger double downs. If nobody knows your gone, there is no silver alert. I keep telling myself to at least send my daughter a text message each day...but I'm a slacker, and I don't want her worrying over me, I want her to live life without that.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
When i was young and dumb I used to make the statement that there would be no better place to die then in the Barrens.I usually said this when being warned of the dangers of being in those fearsome woods all by myself.I now recant that statement now that I am much closer to the event.I think I"d like a few friends and family there to hold my hand and watch me check out like a man.Going alone in a swamp I don't think would make me say "Gee what a wonderful swamp!"


Feb 14, 2009
Just to recoupe, wasn't his truck and dog found on the West side FAA property boundary road South side of Beaver Dam rd, adjacent to the WMES gun club property?


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
I"ve been just across Beaver Dam road from there.Let me guess.Ten to fifteen foot tall trees about as thick as your wrist woven together like a cellulose trampoline only vertical.You slam into them and bounce back till eventually you just drop and crawl and do the side ways slither.I love those kind of woods,no briars but so thick bucks ith antlers even avoid the area:)