Mines Spung Road blocked


Jan 2, 2003
Looks like temp directions for a bike race.

One of the signs said danger. The Enduro's put up a small marker with a W on it indicating it's the wrong way. I never saw them block a road, other than with their bikes, bodies or trucks.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Maybe they were trying to make sure the riders don't head into area's where they would get in trouble. I tend to agree it is just an enduro type of thing but it would be interesting to really know. That is a road I would remove the blockage and travel down unless Jessica was with me. She won't let me go down them.


Muddy Waters

New Member
Feb 13, 2010
Traveling down it a bit you'll find it to be impassible. The water is so high and with no "go arounds" your forced to turn around in a tight area.


New Member
May 14, 2011
Mount Holly
I was just out there yesterday heading N on Tucketon Rd. and the intersection at High Crossing & Tuckerton was more of a pond than a puddle. Only way to the middle of the intersection was if you came south on the road parallel to JCRR from Caranza, however if you do that you're stuck on a peninsula because High Crossing, and Tuckerton in both directions are both submerged there. Wish someone had blocked Tuckerton off long before I found I had to back track. Funny thing is everywhere else I went yesterday was dry holes and we logged approx 40 miles all in Wharton.

Muddy Waters

New Member
Feb 13, 2010
I like to make my own decision, so I hope this is not going to be somebody's idea of being helpful.

Understood and agree but it really didn't even appear to be road at that point. It looked more like a dead end into a swamp. The water had to be over 3' possibly more if anyone had rutted it up. I wasn't taking that chance.