Near Buck Run


New Member
Mar 20, 2014
Would anyone recall a small building off a trail near buck run out past Martha Pond? It would have been on the right about 1/4 mile off the mail trail. The building is long gone but I was there yesterday and it is like the place has been "erased". Not a stone is there. My main curiousity is that there was a VERY deep stone-lined well on that site which has also been disappeared for many years. Someone covered the hole around mid to late 90's. I can't imagine that much fill being brought in. Last time I was there there were sticks covered with dirt over it. Does anyone know who filled it, if it was filled properly or just set up as a very deadly trap at this point?


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
It helps with this kind of question if you post a map link. Click on either NJPB MAPS or BOYDS MAPS from the menu bar at the top of the page, choose a map and drag it until the location is in the middle of the screen. Then just click on the web address in your browser, copy it and paste it into your post.

For example, here's a link to Martha Pond on the NJPB topo map:

And here's where Martha Road crosses Buck Run on my topo map. I have included quite a lot of historical structures on my topo, but don't see anything in this area.

There are also many other maps to explore on both sites.
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Bobpbx, I suspect PassingThru is referring to the place you Ted and I visited. I have the photo of the tree nearby with the engraving on. I will look for it and post a link to it.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
I have included quite a lot of historical structures on my topo, but don't see anything in this area.

Just noticed, there's a structure on the map near Buck Run and Shamong Rd. Could this be it?

That one is also on my topo

Now I remember this area, there's another one here - "Nash Cabin"
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New Member
Mar 20, 2014
A map would make sense, wouldn't it? Sorry. There used to be a small one room cabin there in the 80's which I suppose the state bulldozed at some point. I saw NO trace of it yesterday. The well was just off a "loop" but that's totally changed. No loop and even some dirt mounds and holes are level now. I have a hard time figuring the well's fate. It was ridiculously deep, then roughly covered with small branches and dirt again back in the 80s/90s. I can't imagine they moved that much dirt down that trail. It could really be a hazard at this point. Was this one room block building Nash Cabin? I mean to tell you there's nothing there now compared to what was. The foundation is even gone? There were photos scattered around it one time of people on dirt bikes and quads if I recall standing near that building.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
That is Nash's cabin and the foundation is still there. And the well you are referring to is at the location by the tree in my above photo but is filled in as you say. No real evidence of it exists. The area has changed over the years and places are easily missed. You may want to go there again to visit the ruins. The state did not bulldoze it, vandals destroyed it.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
BTW, you will want to purchase this book and read it.



New Member
Mar 20, 2014
So Teegate, I totally missed the floor and so on during this trip somehow. Do you have any idea who would have filled that well in and how? That was seriously deep and fairly wide. When I first saw it "covered" I couldn't image getting trucks in there with fill. Just curious. That had to be some operation. I'm thinking that trip with a friend would have been late 90's or very early 2000's. The dirt with branches sticking out was still pretty fresh looking. We went back to see the well and I actually stopped him from stepping on it when I got my bearings. I'm glad someone else knows what I'm talking about as I was starting to think I dreamt it up. Thanks for the additional info on the cabin too! That area just fascinated me. The ticks back there this year are just another story...


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I had never viewed the well, and did not know about it. Last year Bob and I went there with a member of this site looking for it again. This person had been there in the 60s and 70s and took photos of the well. He saw the well without sticks and also with them as you mentioned. We found the area and narrowed down the location. We went back again and made a few pokes in the ground trying to find the sides of the well which most likely would still be there. Nothing. We did find just below the surface old plasic bags and old plastic soda bottles. This area was frequented by boy scouts and we believe they camped at the well area. The well was certainly used by the large building at the bottom of the hill that may have been the Chetwood home or part of the farm that was there in later years.

If you go there again look for that tree and you will be right by the location of the well. You will want to wait until late fall or winter.
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New Member
Mar 20, 2014
Gents, again, fascinating info to me and I thank you all for the input. If you saw the photos of the well it was stone lined all the way down. That was the incentive to take my buddy back there as he wanted to see it. We were debating about how it had been down or bottom up. I'd have fully expected you to find the stone ring with some poking. I figured if anyone knew specifics about who filled it or when it would be here. I may stop at Batsto or see who owns that ground out at the end of Martha road to see if they can give more info. If I find anything additional of interest, I'll bring it back. Thank you all again! BTW, Manumuskin, you weren't missing much. The building was one room that was standing when I was there and you saw the floor area....not big. The place has been a curiousity to me. There was an abandoned road that angled in behind this area and went back out towards Martha road. There was even the remnant of a cement culvert/bridge on it.
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
The property at Nash's cabin and the well are owned by the state of NJ. The only private property there is on the west side of Martha Road in that area.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

Sorry I did not post photos to back up my claims. I was on vacation in Vermont all week and had limited wifi and obviously my photos were here in my computer. Later tonight I will try and get a few up. My wife stayed home and I did not want to say anything while she was here and we were 400 miles away.



New Member
Mar 20, 2014
No worries Brother! I'd love to see them when you're able to post them! A friend told me who owns the private property on Martha Rd near the lake. He also told me I'd have an easier time getting a hold of the President. I'm planning on swinging by Batsto and see if the state did the fill.
