New PPA brochure

Jon Holcombe

Dec 1, 2015
I joined a Facebook group run by Al and Jason. It is ostensibly a "photography and arts" group. They might give me the boot after this. The new PPA brochure along with a petition has been rolled out.

It looks like propoganda to me. Fact mixed in with hyperbolic rhetoric about the end of the Pinelands. I cannot stand BS, whether it is coming at me from the right or the left. Just give us the facts without the histrionics. I wish I knew if the photos in the brochure are recent, and taken in the Pinelands. The problem is I have found trying to engage either one in a dialogue is pointless.
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Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
I joined a Facebook group run by Al and Jason. It is ostensibly a "photography and arts" group. They might give me the boot after this. The new PPA brochure along with a petition has been rolled out.

It looks like propoganda to me. Fact mixed in with hyperbolic rhetoric about the end of the Pinelands. I cannot stand BS, whether it is coming at me from the right or the left. Just give us the facts without the histrionics. I wish I knew if the photos in the brochure are recent, and taken in the Pinelands. The problem is I have found trying to engage either one in a dialogue is pointless.

Jason had been a poster here trying his sales pitch a while back during the MAP escapades. I have seen some of those photo's before in propaganda and note they do not carry any copyright, nor credit to the photog that took them. Perhaps they were taken in Alabama?


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Hyperbole. There is a problem, yes, but it's limited in scope and not damaging the entire pinelands as the brochure leads one to believe.

Another thing that recently came out from PPA is a request by all members to go take the current DEP survey and fill in specific language. Someone needs to counter that with opposing language and pass it around. Here is what they sent out to a friend of mine:

Dear (member),

The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) launched a campaign called “I Heart NJ Parks” and as part of this campaign, they are conducting a feedback survey of park visitors. Let them know NJ is not doing enough to address lawless off-road vehicle abuse in Wharton State Forest and elsewhere in the Pinelands National Reserve.

Go to the survey and select Wharton State Forest.

For #8
“What can we do to enhance your enjoyment of this park?” Paste this message into the window:

I am very concerned that the DEP has not protected Wharton State Forest from off-road vehicles. The DEP must immediately clarify what is and what is not a road in Wharton State Forest. Lawless off-road vehicle users continue to damage sensitive habitat, public access, and scenic views in our parks and the DEP has not fulfilled its duty to protect the public’s land. I ask you to immediately implement the Pinelands Commission’s road map for Wharton State Forest and direct Park Police to prioritize the enforcement of ORV laws by issuing the fines permitted by law which states a minimum of $250 for first offenses and a minimum of $1,000 for repeat offenses.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
If the DEP wants their survey to be accurate, they should cull out any response with that answer to question #8; simple to do in todays computer infested world. Odds of that happening? Z E R O.
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Jon Holcombe

Dec 1, 2015
Most of the people that belong to the Facebook groups I recently joined visit Pakim Pond, Franklin Parker Red Trail, Estell Manor Park and that is their pinelands experience. They are casual day hikers, and the message of the PPA probably sounds urgent and reasonable. They have not done a lot of exploring, and the photos of monster trucks rampaging through wetlands is horrifying.

I asked this question: "Jason, can you tell me who took that photograph of monster trucks rampaging through wetlands? Do you know the location of that shot?"

I will let you know his response.

Well, Jason responded promptly: "Greenwood WMA". No indication when it was taken or who took it. I remain skeptical.

Even if the shot IS authentic (and who knows), I still do not believe that closing roads will stop idiots like that. The answer still has to be increased enforcement, stronger penalties.
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Nov 24, 2010
Bass River Township
I'm on that Facebook page also. I'm asking some pointed questions so that perhaps, the uninformed may not get a stilted view as is being presented there.
Edit: Moderator of that page has turned off further comments.
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Apr 9, 2011
There’s also a petition that goes with that propaganda.


That's just great a petition there goes the neighborhood. I don't see this ending very well. Get to your favorite places before there under lock and key and the PPA is the key holder. Cause Ol Gov cuckoo bananas is going to rubber stamp what ever they want!
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Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
"Don't Gate The Forest". Sounds like a slogan to me. A counter Facebook Group with photos from the PBX and anyone else who cares to contribute.

Let us know when it is set up
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