ORV Management In Sensitive Areas Of Wharton


Mar 5, 2012
Atco, NJ
Sorry if that came off to sarcastic but I'm upset I can't make it as well as the feeling that they still aren't listening to the public and are just moving forward no matter what we think.
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Mar 5, 2012
Atco, NJ
Yes it's far from over. To me this is no different then the Santuary Devlpoment in Evessham. The whole project was put on hold to protect the Timber Rattlers. Today all the snake fences and tubes that were installed are now are debris piles. More importantly is that building started back up and the new homes are packed in tighter then the ones built prior. But now it's out of the public eye. There are many people that fought hard to halt that project and today the outcome is worse then if it was left alone. Over time people just simply forgot and the development started back up. This is a totally different topic and deserves its own thread, I only brought it up to prove a point. In the end the state has every intention in implementing this plan whether it's today or a few years down the road.


Mar 5, 2012
Atco, NJ

It appears the DEP is using the MAP as a starting point during the stakeholder meetings and many people don't like that idea. So voice your opinion against the DEP by signing this petition. If you don't like the MAP this is an opportunity to say so.


So basically after these "stakeholder" meetings and public meeting they are simply going to say. "We've listened to your concerns and we're going to roll out the plan anyway". They'll probably list a few more roads to stay open.
These meetings need to start with a clean slate and the stakeholders collectively should come up with a manageable plan and criteria for closing roads to protect sensitive areas. Anything short of that is no different then what they've done so far.
A lot of people have put a lot of time into trying to work out a plan that would satisfy most but it's constantly falling on deaf ears.
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Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
So basically after these "stakeholder" meetings and public meeting they are simply going to say. "We've listened to your concerns and we're going to roll out the plan anyway". They'll probably list a few more roads to stay open.
These meetings need to start with a clean slate and the stakeholders collectively should come up with a manageable plan and criteria for closing roads to protect sensitive areas. Anything short of that is no different then what they've done so far.
A lot of people have put a lot of time into trying to work out a plan that would satisfy most but it's constantly falling on deaf ears.

Just who are the so-called 'stakeholders' and why are they having separate meetings? Are they the ones that held the signs when they were hammered into the sand. I foolishly think that taxpayers are the 'stakeholders', after all, we are paying for all this govt nonsense.


Aug 26, 2011
Just who are the so-called 'stakeholders' and why are they having separate meetings? Are they the ones that held the signs when they were hammered into the sand. I foolishly think that taxpayers are the 'stakeholders', after all, we are paying for all this govt nonsense.
After all the pressure mounted, the DEP agreed to hold stakeholder forums. The "stakeholders" are anyone who signed up a group for the stakeholder forums, per the instructions in the FAQ. Ben signed up NJPB. It also has kayak, horseback, hunting, geocachers, enduro, 4x4 clubs, etc. as well as our buddies at the PPA. This is all in addition to the public forum on Nov 5. So this is one thing I can't fault them on, they are trying to get a broad representation involved. I am concerned about the way they are going about it. (I.e. Starting with the map instead of a blank sheet of paper)
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Mar 5, 2012
Atco, NJ
Just who are the so-called 'stakeholders' and why are they having separate meetings? Are they the ones that held the signs when they were hammered into the sand. I foolishly think that taxpayers are the 'stakeholders', after all, we are paying for all this govt nonsense.
I agree. All the stakeholders should attend one meeting with follow ups as needed. Breaking them up into groups is not to come up with a common plan it's to appease each group individually. And I could be wrong but I find little coming out of the November 5th meeting


New Member
Sep 1, 2015
Hammonton, NJ
I keep having this thought that the review of the MAP, the meetings and all of the concern shown by the Superintendent and the DEP to the public are merely damage control for the way this was rolled out. I fear after they make the sneaky rollout attempt right and check the box that public input was taken they will change very little and steamroll over the public. We really need to evaluate what happens at the stakeholder meetings and get a feel for the direction they are going with this to be more prepared for the public meetings. Also, I am seeing more and more of the Batsto Natural Area signs put up in new areas - they are definitely new signs. Perhaps this will be a new angle of attack and justification? The fact that the MAP is still the starting point for any meeting is not good at all.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
I keep having this thought that the review of the MAP, the meetings and all of the concern shown by the Superintendent and the DEP to the public are merely damage control for the way this was rolled out. I fear after they make the sneaky rollout attempt right and check the box that public input was taken they will change very little and steamroll over the public. We really need to evaluate what happens at the stakeholder meetings and get a feel for the direction they are going with this to be more prepared for the public meetings. Also, I am seeing more and more of the Batsto Natural Area signs put up in new areas - they are definitely new signs. Perhaps this will be a new angle of attack and justification? The fact that the MAP is still the starting point for any meeting is not good at all.


Tracker Jim

Dec 18, 2014
Leeds Point NJ
I agree. All the stakeholders should attend one meeting with follow ups as needed. Breaking them up into groups is not to come up with a common plan it's to appease each group individually. And I could be wrong but I find little coming out of the November 5th meeting
If it hasn't already been considered, wouldn't it be prudent for the various stakeholder groups that oppose the MAP to meet beforehand, with the intention of arriving at a unified stance that would be reasonable and acceptable to each group? Less likely for us to be concurred by division.