ORV Management In Sensitive Areas Of Wharton


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
There are no plans for a MAP anytime soon. Maybe never it appears to me. Tonights meeting was about enforcement. They have dedicating a certain amount of officers for Wharton only and they will have offices at Batsto. There will be targeted patrols and sting operations using helicoptors, drones and camera's. They showed us the new large sign that will be put up at over 60 locations where you enter Wharton warning everyone that there are motor vehicle ordinances in Wharton you must follow. And at 11 specific location where the damage is the most prevalent they are placing new plastic signs informing us that motor vehicles are prohibited. The new signs will go up with volunteers so if you are interested you will be able to assist. Most of the info that was in the power point presentation will be online later tonight for anyone to view.

I have to get to bed. Others can add more maybe.

92 Blazer Jeff

Aug 24, 2015
Paper or plastic they will still tare them down and say I didn't see no sign. I was out today along the Mullica river near Batsto and there are new
tire tracks along the banks of the river. There are no motor vehicle signs all over that area. They just ignore them.

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
There are no plans for a MAP anytime soon. Maybe never it appears to me. Tonights meeting was about enforcement. They have dedicating a certain amount of officers for Wharton only and they will have offices at Batsto. There will be targeted patrols and sting operations using helicoptors, drones and camera's. They showed us the new large sign that will be put up at over 60 locations where you enter Wharton warning everyone that there are motor vehicle ordinances in Wharton you must follow. And at 11 specific location where the damage is the most prevalent they are placing new plastic signs informing us that motor vehicles are prohibited. The new signs will go up with volunteers so if you are interested you will be able to assist. Most of the info that was in the power point presentation will be online later tonight for anyone to view.

I have to get to bed. Others can add more maybe.

I love it.

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
Paper or plastic they will still tare them down and say I didn't see no sign. I was out today along the Mullica river near Batsto and there are new
tire tracks along the banks of the river. There are no motor vehicle signs all over that area. They just ignore them.

Ignorance of the law doesn't mean that you're not responsible. We all know someone who got nailed for a speeding ticket coming out of a 40mph zone and the 25mph sign was covered by a bush.

The fines and, hopefully, impounding and crushing of the vehicles of repeat offenders will hopefully serve as a deterrent. They should also block off the party places as well.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Someone just this week or last week drove their vehicle into I believe the Mullica and got stuck. They called for help and received a fine for doing so.

The DEP said they talked with area Judges from local municipalities and they said having the signs up informing drivers there are laws to follow will help them give a guilty verdict. The DEP is also looking into other vehicles to help them patrol. They also have met with local towns about helping with road maintenance when possible. And having the public help them directly with enforcement can't happen. Too many legal issues. We just should call them and let them take care of it. They have $100,000 for maintenance this year but need over 1 million to do everything they want to do.


Feb 4, 2009
a village...in the pines
I too attended the meeting and will follow up with Guy's comments; the plan for now is to "work to address the hemorrhage first" (ie 1/4 mile, J mount, sandy causeway pond, etc) with the use of advisement notification, education and group law enforcement. The group in attendance was informed that no further action will be taken without stakeholder input (another meeting of the same people invited to attend). It seems the placement of advisement signs, which the Director stated "no one likes more signs in a forest", are necessary teeth for the enforcement/court initiative and will assist in having fines stick. This from local judges and the State DAG office. There will be (65) 30" x 24" signs at more popular access points into the forest which inform you that there are MV regulations in effect. There will be the typical small tyvek signs posted indicating areas of environmental concern.
The state plans to coordinate a volunteer day in the future to assist with posting the advisements. Many groups and people at the fall meetings inquired publicly about the ability to assist. Guy is correct. According to the SPP Lt., the man who drove his jeep into the river on Sunday was issued 6 summonses and had his vehicle impounded. In my mind that's a great message, hope he shares it with his friends from the city.
There are plans for an information pamphlet to be developed so that people are aware why areas are labeled as "environmentally sensitive", as well as the impact that illegal activities have on the environment as a whole. This is not the final on the Wharton issue, it's just the start and we were assured that any further action will happen with stakeholder input. The 4 main topics that were heard/recognized from last fall's meetings were (in no specific order) 1. road maintenance 2. enforcement 3. protection of environmentally sensitive areas 4. Volunteer opportunities.
The meeting was kept strictly on topic and seemed really well-received.


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
[QUOTE="turtle, post: 135317, member: 774" In my mind that's a great message, hope he shares it with his friends from the city.


Sounds like a good, focused plan. This is how it should have been done in the first place. Thanks to Turtle and Teegate for keeping us informed.



Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
There are no plans for a MAP anytime soon.

And at 11 specific location where the damage is the most prevalent they are placing new plastic signs informing us that motor vehicles are prohibited.

This sounds pretty good, but not sure if I really understand… Are you saying there will be roads that are closed, but no map indicating which roads are closed? That seems a little odd.

And I think we all agree that more enforcement is needed, so that sounds good too. But the excuse has always been they don't have enough money. Has something changed there? Who will pay for the additional officers and helicopters?